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"This is a joke," Jackie laughs, my hand tightening on Harry's.

"Fuck off, Jackie. Go annoy someone else's relationship today," I groan, Harry moving to wrap his arm around my shoulders.

"Wow," she just states, rolling her eyes. I'm sick of her and I move my body further into the party, Harry following.

"Baby, I really have to pee. Will you be okay for two minutes?" I ask, his head nodding. But he pulls me into him and kisses me, my smile present. I love it when he kisses me unexpectedly.

"Be right back." I whisper, my body turning to go to the bathroom.

After I use the facilities, I make my way back to where he was, but freeze when I see a few guys talking to him. Then Parker jumps into my line of vision and I feel him grab my hip, pressing me to the wall.

"Fuck off, Parker," I state, and he moves his other hand to my chin.

"Listen to me, and listen close," he whispers, staring down at me. "I'm never getting over you. Fuck Tara, because I realized I want you. It's always been you. And I refuse to let another man take you away from me. I'm sick of this phase you're going through. You're mine, Carls. Mine."

I can see him upset and I feel horrible I don't have feelings for him. So I say all I can think of: the truth.

"You were just sex to me. Nothing more, nothing less."

His eyes fall and he dips his head down, letting me go. "I'm not gonna stop fighting for you, Carly. I still want you."

I step away from him and look back up at him, his hand letting me go.

"I don't feel the same, Parker. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is."

My feet walk away and I look up, Harry not where he was seconds ago. I start to worry and I look around, calling his name. Then I see him outside, walking away from the house. Mumbling swears, I rush our of the house and run after him. He saw me with Parker and thinks I was cheating; I know for sure.

"Harry," I call, his feet continuing to walk away. But I grab his arm and stop him, my feet moving to step in front of him.

Tears are spilling from his eyes and I grab his cheeks, knowing I've hurt him unintentionally.

"I don't ever want Parker. He forcefully grabbed me and professed his...feelings. I don't want him. I want you," I state, his nose sniffling. He dips his head down and I kiss his forehead, his hands grabbing my wrists.

"How m-much sex d-did you have?" he asks, my heart dropping. Those guys brought up sex to him. Of course they'd bring up sex to him.

"Not a lot, Harry. No more than ten guys," I say, his hands pulling mine away from him.

"T-They said you...you have a good..." he twists his face up, my heart dropping. I was trash talked by stupid boys in front of the only person I care about.

"Harry, whatever they said was probably a lie. They're making you uncomfortable because they have heard what I have and want it. That's all. I by no means want to sound selfish in that matter, but I used to get laid and that's all guys want sometimes. But you are all that matters to me now. No one else and I told Parker that. You're mine and I'm yours," I assure him, his arms wrapping around me. I hug him close and keep him in my grasp, not wanting to let him go.

"But I do want to know what they said if it made you so upset," I whisper, his head lifting. We move to sit on the curb and he grabs my hand, our body beside each other as we sit.

"O-One asked how good your...pussy is," he starts, my eyes widening. "And a few others asked about your...breasts and if you're tight. T-They were curious if you took top or um, suck my dick better than anyone. I-I just said you're amazing, because you are and it could refer to both sexual and other stuff."

I just look up in shock, never knowing what all these boys were thinking about me. They really do just want sex and thankfully for me, Harry's a smart boy and went broad instead of saying he's only had sex with me.

"B-But I don't know what some of that even means. How can sucking my...dick be amazing or how would I know if your p-pussy is good?" he asks, my head turning to look at him.

"All of that is oral sex, Harry," I say flatly, still stunned. I hate hearing people talk shit about me.

I see Harry look over at me in the corner of my eye and I lower my head, feeling like crap. Of course these stupid people would take advantage of Harry's presence and bombard him with stupidass questions.

My eyes follow Harry's hand as he moves it to my cheek, tilting my head up to look at him. Then he leans his head down and he kisses me, my arm wrapping around his shoulder.

"Let's go have some fun," he whispers, my nose brushing his.

"Come on," I say, his body standing up. He lifts me up and we walk back into the party, Harry standing tall beside me. He takes me into the house but he looks around before walking me upstairs the frat house. I lift an eyebrow in curiosity, but follow, knowing he must be listening to what he wants.

He pushes a door open and luckily no one is in there, my arms moving to wrap around him from behind. He chuckles and I feel him reach back, my head peeking over his shoulder and smiling at him.

"Teach me," he whispers, my feet moving so I can stand in front of him.

"Not here," I whisper, his hands lifting. He brushes my hair behind my shoulders and leans his head onto mine, my eyes looking up at him.

"I want to be with you again," he tells me, my face brought into his hands. He dips his head down and kisses me, my hand holding his waist.

"Dorm. Now," I manage to get out and Harry takes my hand, rushing us back out of the house and to my dorm.

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Much Love! <3 xoxo

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