Rose's Magic Bookstore

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I think the Mobile App of Fan Fiction is malfunctioning because I can only see my first two chapters on there, but I will assure you that I mostly do update once a week.

Review please

I slowly walked through the finished bookstore and examined every detail of the shop. The hardwood floor helped brighten the place up along with the Recessed light fixtures on the ceiling. The store seemed smaller now that all of the bookshelves had been moved in, but that was probably due to the fact that every wall, except the window wall at the front of the store, had ceiling high bookshelves bolted on and there now stood six long rows of library bookshelves in the middle of the store. The only way to get around the store was to walk by a book, even to get to the front desk you had to walk to the back wall and look at all of the most popular books. The desk was made of Walnut wood, and had two large drawers on each side of the legs, with small drawers on the table area. To me, it was perfect.

"What do you think Mrs. Rose?" The shaky contractor asked me as I continued expecting everything.

My red, business high heels clicked against the wooden floorboards as I stopped in front of the Australian man. He would not look me in the eye, and seemed to be debating on taking a step back as I approached him. He was nervous in my presence, which was odd to me. People had begun being nervous in my presence a lot since the war, except this muggle man had no idea who Briar Rose or Hermione Granger was. From the past years, I knew I did not have a scary persona about me, and I gave no reason for any strangers to be scared of me. Did all tall blondes get these reactions then?

"I think, that it's perfect." I tell him with a smile, the man visibly relaxes and walks back to his workmen to tell them the good news. I pull out my beaded purse to look for my money. After I had bought my own place and left the hotel I was able to take out my belongings. There had not been many, mostly clothes and small devices you need when you leave on vacation. I had enough money to buy my essentials of course. I could not believe that I had gotten by and paid for this shop the past month with my earnings from the war, and still had enough to last a life time. The UK Wizarding Government needed to dial down on giving out galleons.

I paid the contractor the correct amount by a check when he and the rest of the workmen approached me. They thanked my, accepted my thanks, and left. Before they were out of the door, I remembered to give them all a flyer with information on the store. I had given out and posted hundreds of fliers, trying to get the word out around Wollongong that there was a new bookstore. After they nodded and accepted the flier, they left the store.

Shutting the wood blinds to the large wall of windows, and locking the front door to my store, I took out my wand and began saying spells. Books on wrongs shelfs flew across the room and fixed themselves. The wall of books sturdied itself and was now held to the wall by a permanent- sticking charms instead of only by muggle tools. The lights on the front desk grew brighter. The room magically grew a foot in size in ever direction. The size was bigger on the inside than outside, and the magic used would only be seen by those who can cast the spell themselves. I walked to the door next to the front desk that was for the moment empty and walk through it to find a much messier and loud room of books.

"Well the soundproof charm on the walls seemed to have worked." I say to myself as I once again raise my wand to fix the room.

This back room was much more noticeably enlarged and all of the bookshelves had to have been put up by my magic instead of by work men. The books on these shelves also tended to disappear, bite other books, or run along the floor. The difference between muggles and wizards was very apparent when you stood in the doorway I was standing in. That made me love my new store even more.

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