Hermione Granger

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Chapter Three is sad. It was really hard for me to write so it will be the first to be redone most likely.

But review please! I love critics!

If you give a goo review, I'll PM you!

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Urgh. . . ." I roll over in my bed and smack at the source of the annoying sound. When I look at the old alarm clock I stick my tongue at it and say "My alarm clock is prettier and has a prettier voice than you." With that I swing my legs over the side of the bed and walk to my bag sitting on a small table in my hotel room. For a second I actually try to find one certain piece of clothing before giving up and walking back to my bed to take my wand from my pillow. "Accio shirt and shorts." The items I was looking for come zooming out of my bag and into my hands.

I get dressed, grab the slip of plastic, and walk out of my hotel room down to breakfast. The hotel I was staying at was fifty miles away from Sydney and a twenty-minute ride to the Wilkins' house. That fact made me extremely nervous and barely able to swallow my eggs. When I was able to swallow the proper amount of food to get me through the day and not throw back up in nervousness, I stood up and went back up to my room. There is not much to get together, having come in and gone to sleep the moment I got to the hotel last night. Hopefully I had slept through jet lag by not sleeping on any of the flights and sleeping during Wollongong's night instead of London's night. That was the city I was staying in and had tracked my parents to. It made sense of course. They loved big cities like I did, but could never stay in them, it was either too much money of we needed a bigger lawn. I didn't object, I grew up with that and loved our suburban houses.

Once I have my bag repacked, I summon a parchment and quill to write to Harry and Ron. I didn't know if Ron would reply but I still plan to write one. He seemed pretty mad last time I saw him, but we had to talk and clarify where we stand. I still didn't want to break up, I just wanted a break. I start with Harry, not knowing if my brain was awake enough yet to figure out what to say to Ron.

Dear Harry,

How are you? I hope everyone in the Burrow is well and getting along well. I was late for my plane to Hong Kong but a wizard that I met in the airport helped me out and showed me a new flight that was going the same route, just three hours later. I haven't been to my parents house yet, but I will tell you how it all goes later. I am going to have to buy an owl so I don't have to use the nasty Ministry owls more than a couple of times. I guess I am going to find where the wizarding part of Australia mainly stays too. It will help during the next few weeks.

Love you and miss you already. Give my love to everyone


I closed the letter and before putting it in an envelope and I wrote "Wingaridum Leviosa" on it. The war was over but from London to Sydney was a long distance and I never knew who could change the letter. If I received a letter without a code word, than I knew it wasn't Harry. I closed the letter and pulled out another parchment and began to think of what to tell Ron.


I'm in Australia. The flight was fine, and easy. I'm sure you would say that using the International Apparation would be easier, but this is less exhausting. I miss you already. You and everyone else, but I am still staying with my parents because I have missed them for too long.

You said we broke up, but we need to talk about this Ron. I love you. I have loved you for years now and don't think I can live without you. When I said I wanted to have a life here first, I meant patch up my muggle life and start my witch life with you. That's what I want, a life with you, Ron. I will be here for a certain amount of time and then I plan on coming back, and I hope to pick up with you where I left off.

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