Draco's Perspective

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I swear if I don't get reviews on this chapter that I worked so hard on I'm not posting a chapter again!

"What do you want, Zabini? I'm kind of busy," I complain as Blaise leads me down an empty corridor and casts a silencing charm on it.

"I'm about to tell you something you can't repeat to anyone. You won't believe me, but it's true," Blaise whispers, glancing around.

"What the hell are you going on about," I hiss angrily. The time after curfew is supposed to be the time I'm in the Room of Hidden things.

"Hermione Granger is my sister," Blaise says, shocking my for a second.

I whip out my wand and back my best friend against the wall. "Who are you and how did you breach the Hogwarts walls," I hiss lowly, a curse on the tip of my tongue.

"Get off, you idiot. I'm being serious."

"Prove you're a Zabini first than," I narrow my eyes and keep my stance of offense.

"You have Crabbe and Goyle dress as girls to guard the Room of Hidden things while you fix the Vanishing Cabinet in there so you can kill the Headmaster," Blaise says, when he is finished, he pushes my wand away. "Hermione doesn't know, her name is actually Aurora. Mother and Father had to hide her from the Dark Lord and now I feel like she is in trouble. I need your help to watch her."

"I'm not watching over a stupid mudblood," I say, glaring at Blaise and wondering if he is under the influence.

"She has cleaner blood than you do, Malfoy," Blaise says, and he had begun glaring at me the second I insulted his so-called sister. "We are going to be doing exactly what we usually do, just more often so we can see if she is in danger."

"We're all in fucking danger, Zabini," I hiss angrily, not liking the idea of having to keep an eye on one-third of the Golden Trio. "You're dad is in his inner circle too. You know almost as much as I do that the war is almost close enough to touch."

"All the more reason to watch over her," Blaise says. He waves his wand and gets rid of the silencing charm. He ended the conversation before I could object further. He nods and then disappears under a disillusion charm.


Muggles aren't filthy. Muggles aren't filthy.

I continue to chant this in my head as I weave through the crowd of muggles and try to find the new gate without the help of a muggle. I had to get use to living near them, but that doesn't mean I'm going to embrace them. I can work on that part of my plan when I'm on the flying machine that will take me as far as you can get from London, England.

I make my way towards the gate I was supposed to board at in time to see a blonde woman stomp her foot and make a sign a few feet away from her fall over. From uncontrolled magic. I smirk and approach her as she makes her way towards an employee. I tap on her shoulder before she reaches it, and smirk when I hear an angry sigh pass her lips before she turns to look at me.

"You're the woman who missed the flight to Hong Kong, correct?" I ask, running a hand through my hair nervously because I don't think that's how you pronounce the name of the country. The woman in front of me was good-looking, hot even.

"I am. I was just making my way to the information desk," she says it with finality, and steps away, trying to end the conversation. She thinks I'm trying to hook up with her. Hot, but I'm not like that anymore since Parkinson started hexing all girls she saw me making out with. That kind of ended my Slytherin Sex God phase.

"There is another flight in three hours, I already checked," I offer, but her expression immediately turns to suspicion, and she looks ready to hex me. "I missed the flight too," I explain. "Muggles are much slower at security than I originally thought. But anyways, I can walk with you to the gate if you'd like." I actually allow a smile to show to prove I'm not trying to capture her. She nods and begins following towards the gate. After a second she seems to have finally noticed that I realized she is a witch because she disappears from my side. "Are you coming, it's not like you can apparate there, you don't know where the gate is," I say over my shoulder and smirk as her eyes widen and she runs after me. She has the audacity to cover my mouth, she doesn't look at me right away though, but looks surprised when her hair falls over her shoulder. It must be up in a bun a lot. When she doesn't release me, I pry her hand off my mouth and begin walking, not really caring if she follows or not anymore.

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