The Contract

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Dinner was boring, the Nott family always has been but Mother was happy to be out of the house anyways,

I miss you already, and still feel terrible.

I love you and am sorry about leaving you on our day.

Yours forever


The letter must have been scribbled down quickly because of the messy handwriting instead of Phillip's usual neat cursive. He must be with his mother again, probably planning to sleep soon. I am left clutching his letter and letting a new set of sobs rack my body. Fauna brought it to me a minute ago, asking if I need a pot of tea to make me feel better, my response is just more tears. She brings me tea anyways because that's what elves with good hearts and good masters do.

I stare at Phillip's letter, tears blurring the inked in words. Phillip is somewhere in London right now, thinking everything is alright except for the small thing that we didn't get to have a dinner together. He is worried about the smallest thing because he doesn't know about Hermione and Aurora. I wish I could be with him and only worry about his mother too.

Of course if I am going to get three wishes that wouldn't be one of them.

I'm not sure what time it is but it is dark outside and I can no longer hear voices outside. Maybe an hour ago I heard whispers out in the hall, but they ended quickly. So far no one has tried to take down my enchantments in my room, they have only spoken out there. I couldn't hear what they were saying because of the muffler charm I placed, but at one point I'm pretty sure Blaise was trying to talk to me through the door.

I'm unsure what to do, and that scares me too. I no longer want to be in this room doing nothing, but I don't know what to do. I have a problem, and I need information on it. This is a problem that I have the least amount of information on because I never bothered to research on purebloods in school. Why learn about something that hates you? I need to research now, and learn more on magical contracts, pureblood marriages, and everything else pureblood that could help me solve my problem. There are lawyers breaking contracts everyday, it might take some time but I don't see why I can't do the same. But I wasn't about to ask anyone in this place. Surely the Manor has a library somewhere.

I grip Phillip's letter in my hand and stand up from my bed slowly, my legs still feeling weak from the panic attack. I take off the fancy robes and get dressed into the most muggle clothes I have, sweatshirt and leggings. After pulling my hair into a messy bun, I slowly open the door and check the hall for signs of people. The Manor is silent.

I hurry down my hall, heading away from the stairs. I haven't bothered to look for the library before, having plenty of books in my room to keep me satisfied for at least a month, if not more. Now I have to find the library on my own and without being able to go downstairs or ask for help.

I roam several hallways, opening and shutting doors quietly. The upstairs is a lot bigger than I had originally thought, making the Manor a lot bigger than I had thought too. The halls branch off often. I pass two or three other staircases, but don't go down them. After thirty minutes of searching with no luck, I see two large doors at the end of a well-lit hallway. Opening them, the sight before me took my breath away.

The library takes up two whole stories and I am standing at the entrance to the second story. There are no bookshelves like in my store or in the Hogwart's Library, instead all the books are kept on the walls, going from ceiling to floor. All wall space that is left is for ladders and small stairs that help reach the books at the top. The room is shaped oddly, with rounded corners to hold more books that are easier to reach and columns in random places on the walls, most likely there to help support the weight of the books. Because there are a lot of books. With all the books along the wall, there is a lot of floor space. There are several desks spread around the room with four chairs to each one, and then two desks in opposite corners that appear to be only for one person. The whole room is lit up bright enough that you could think it is daylight twenty-four-seven. Directly in front of the entrance I had walked through are the only things in the library that do not suggest study and research. There is a grand fireplace with two couches and a love seat around it. The flames are red and yellow so it is not connected to the floo network.

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