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"You'll be back before New Year's eve?" Circe asks again, pushing my hair behind my ears nervously and roaming her eyes over me to see if there are any flaws she can fix before I leave like out of place stain, or mismatched clothing. There isn't any.

"Yes, mum," I nod, gripping my bag tighter and doing mental checks to make sure I have everything I'll need. "If I'm going to be late I'll owl you, but I'll be here before noon on New Year's eve."

"Alright," Circe kisses my forehead and steps back so I can look at the boys.

"You have everything?" Felix asks. I nod. "Are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner?"

"No, I want to get unpacked a little before I take a nap," I say, stepping forward and hugging Felix. "I'll see you in five days." He nods and kisses the top of my head. He backs up like Circe had and takes her hand.

"What happens if you get hurt? Or get attacked? And am I going to pick you up so you can apparate here, or -"

"Hermione doesn't need you to apparate her home, Blaise," Felix says, frowning. "She can apparate here just like the rest of us."

"I can?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. "I thought you had to allow me to."

"I did that before delivering you to the Grangers so you would always be able to come home without any trouble," Circe explains. "Is that why Draco always picked you up? You thought you couldn't apparate here?" Circe chuckles a little.

"Well, I know now. He won't need to help with that anymore," I say putting on a joking smile and avoid saying Draco's name aloud. "And Blaise, if I were in real trouble, you would be able to tell."

"Yes, but how would I reach you?" Blaise asks, even though he knows more about magical twins connections than I do.

"Same way you did to reach me at the Granger's," I answer.

"Ok, but how am I going to fight off so many attackers? You should just stay here." I step towards him and wrap my arms around his stomach.

"I'll miss you too," I say smiling and taking in his familiar scent. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and squeezes me tightly.

"Just don't die, that's all I'm going to ask of you," Blaise says, smiling but still looking serious.

"Will do," I step back into the fireplace and smile at my family. "Don't worry so much. I've lived here for the past year. It's safe." I grab a handful of floo powder. "I love you,"

"Love you too," They reply in unison.

I throw down the powder and shout "Diagon Alley!" I put my hood up in the fireplace as the flames engulf me. When I arrive I don't step out. Instead I change into Briar and throw down a new handful of powder. "Briar's Apartment!"

Green flames cover me, and then release me. I sigh with a smile as I step out of the fireplace and set down my bag on the coffee table. It was dark in the room because it was just after midnight in Wollongong so I walked to the corner of the room and turn on a lamp. The room was clean, but there is a small layer of dust here and there meaning it has been a few days since Monica has been here. In the morning I'll have to put up Christmas decorations. The sun was going to rise in a few hours, so after I take a nap I'm planning to unpack unlike what I told Felix. I turn around to head down the hallway.

I gasp loudly, my hands going to my stomach as if I had been punched there. "Phillip," I say, eyes widening and shock going through my body. My mind was in overdrive trying to think of what to say and what he must be thinking.

"Surprised to see me?" He says, cocking his head to the side as he leans against the door frame.

"No, I mean yes, but still happy," I say stepping forward. He only changes his expressionless mask into a glare. "I thought you were-"

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