Sunday Dates

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the plot line is about to really start, so get ready.  Yup this was all part of rising action, you don't even know the main problem yet! muhahahaha ;)

Critic and review and I'll post faster

The rest of the week was spent doing the literal nothing. None of us left the Manor on Blaise's request and we had every meal in the dinning room except for Saturday's lunch where Circe and I told the men we should have a picnic. I had tried to spend a little more time with Circe and Felix after my talk with Kingsley, but it was hard. They aren't awkward people, and Felix is funny, but I had to hold myself back from talking about my past a lot more with them.

Blaise was no help when I explained to Felix that I was going to leave for the full day on Sunday, and no one helped when Circe came asking questions. She was worried I was leaving so often because I didn't like it in the Manor. I tried to explain to her, like I had Blaise, that leaving the house now and then was normal and didn't mean I didn't like their family. The three of them were all worried, but none of them gave the impression they were going to force me to stay, that was relieving.

Last night's dinner was similar to our first meal where everyone was asking me questions about my past to try to figure out who I was going to be with and where. I didn't give anything away, but this time I was nicer about my answers. Draco mentioned after the dinner that I was practically bouncing in my seat. I replied I was only excited for Sunday.

Which had finally arrived.

My alarm was going off but I was already wide awake, having been waiting for it to say it was an acceptable time to be awake. I get out of bed quickly and turn off the alarm, going into my walk in closet to grab clothes and my beaded bag. I stuffed two sets of clothes in the bag. After I had my small bag packed, I began to get ready. I wasn't suppose to dress up, but I didn't dress casually. It was the first time I had seen Phillip in a week after seeing him practically everyday for a year, I was going to look presentable.

I closed the bathroom door and locked it. After I placed a secure spell to keep Blaise and Draco out, I placed my Briar glamour charm on. Changing appearances affected my look only slightly, but it was enough that I wanted to get ready as Briar before I leave the Manor as Hermione. I dressed into my nicest muggle clothing that was not a dress and put Phillip's necklace he gave me around my neck. I proceeded to fix my blonde hair by curling it a little more than it's natural curl. I put a silver headband in as a final touch before changing back into Hermione.

Just as I am putting on my shoes and a robe around my shoulders to hide my muggle clothes, Draco walks in without knocking. "Blaise I'm- Shit." He stares at me on my bed. He was wearing a loose robe like I was, but his was not wrapped around him tightly and I could see his bare chest clearly. I was use to the sight by now, but it still shocked me he was in my room. He leaves, nodding and saying sorry. I follow him out the room and into my brother's.

"He's asleep," Draco stands in the door way and looks at me over his shoulder, running a hand through his hair. The gesture makes me smile as I get excited about seeing Phillip again.

"I'll take care of that," I smirk and move past Draco, picking up a spare pillow from the floor as I walk towards Blaise. His room was similar to mine but actually looked like someone had lived in it. I hadn't spent much time in his room, or had much experience of how he slept but I knew that most boys were sprawled on top of the bed by morning, and he was. "Oh sweet revenge," I say allowed. Draco chuckles as I lift the pillow above my head and whack Blaise in the head as hard as I can.

"AHH!" Draco and I both drop to the floor as Blaise stands up and waves around his wand in defense, not shooting any spells or looking dangerous. I start laughing and Draco joins. "Don't do that!"

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