A Promised Dance

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Ok, last chapter was too short I agree. So this is long. Long long. So long that I cut it in half and this is the first part of the ball.

BUt I'm freaking out. I REALLY DON"T KNOW HOW I DID SO BE AS MEAN AS YOU WANT AND TELL ME HOW TO DO BETTER. (hyperventilating over worrying about this chapter and the next)

"Hermione wake up." Someone pushes my shoulder, obviously not caring about being soothing this morning. "Draco, Blaise you too." This makes me open my eyes, having assumed it was one of the boys trying to wake me up.

"Circe?" I open my eyes and sit up, aware that my mother wasn't suppose to know the boys have been sleeping in my room the past three months. "This isn't what it looks like, they just wanted to -"

"Don't fret, Hermione, I figured out what was going on a couple of weeks ago," Circe says, pushing Blaise a little so he would open his eyes. Draco had buried his head under the pillow again. "I do wish you would have told Felix and I about the nightmares, but I'm glad your brother and Draco offered to help."

I nod and get out of bed, pulling on my night robe and throwing back the curtains. The sun was just now rising. "What time is it?"

"To early," Draco's muffled voice says from the pillow.

"No, it's time to wake up, the guest will be arriving in exactly thirteen hours. So we need to all -"

"Thirteen.. It's six o'clock in the morning?!" Blaise exclaims, trying to get Circe to stop fixing his hair.

"I told you last night you had to wake up earlier today for the party," Circe steps away and looks out the window with me, giving me a good morning hug too.

"Yeah, I thought you meant eight. Not at the crack of dawn," Blaise complains some more.

"Blaise, just shut up and get out, you can't complain this early in the morning, it gives me a headache," I point at my door with one hand and rub my head with another. My brother huffs, but throws the blankets back and shrinks his bed before leaving the room. "I'm guessing breakfast is soon?"

"As soon as I convince Felix to wake up," Circe smiles then follows my brother out of the room.

I stand watching the sunset for a minute, wondering if Phillip has ever woken up early enough to watch it. Luckily, I didn't go another month without seeing Phillip. Two weeks after our argument at home, I agreed to meet him for lunch at the Leaky Cauldron. It went well and I forgave him for what he assumed. Th next sunday it was dinner in Wollonong, and then an afternoon together in muggle London. He couldn't come the next Sunday, but flooed and talked to me through the fireplace for an hour anyways. Finally, last Sunday I was ready for an all day date with him in Hogsmead. On each small date we didn't talk about anything important, but while at Three Broom Sticks, he mentioned he was attending a ball this Friday. Today. Phillip was attending the Zabini's ball tonight.

"You know it's not safe to sleep stand?" Draco brings me back to the present. I look away from the sunrise and see him sitting up in his bed running a hand through his hair to get it to calm down.

"You know you are suppose to be getting dressed?" I walk over and sit next to him on his bed. He has green silk covers, but there is a thicker comforter underneath them to actually keep him warm at night.

"I'm just going to throw on a shirt, I don't want to get dressed in day clothes when I have to get out of them in a few hours," Draco leans back on his hands and looks at me.

"Thirteen to be exact." We both laugh. "Circe is more nervous than I am."

"I don't believe that for a minute," Draco remarks immediately.

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