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"Good Morning," I yawn and stretch, smiling at Blaise and Draco seated at the table.

"Morning," They say in unison.

I take my seat in front of Draco and next to Blaise and look at the empty table. "The food won't come out till Felix and Circe are here?" I ask Blaise.

"Yea, but they should be here soon. Circe wakes up earlier than all of us to check on her garden every morning. Her getting ready usually wakes father up." Blaise smiles like he was tired but willingly to explain. His smile changes to one of worry when he speaks again. "Any nightmares tonight?"

I return his smile with a brighter one, "Nope." I make the 'p' pop in my mouth to make it more convincing. It is Thursday, four, practically five, days since I have seen Phillip and three nights since my nightmares started reacquiring. Monday night had been the same as Sunday's, except Malfoy slept in a chair and Blaise in the middle of the bed so I could have the covers. It was Blaise who had heard my screams on Tuesday and Wednesday, but this time no one did. I had placed a undetectable silencing charm on my room when I went to bed and woke up twice through the night because of my dreams. But it was only me awake, everyone else slept, so it is all okay.

"I'm glad. I for one slept amazingly. What about you, Draco?" Blaise turns towards the blonde and I look at him properly.

He is still in his sleeping wear with a robe over top of them like he had Sunday night. He has tousled hair that is long enough to get in his eyes. His eyes look blood-shot and half asleep. "Oh yea, fantastic," He mutters testily.

"Great!" Blaise exclaims too loudly for the morning. Draco and I both wince.

"Are you sure you're alright, Draco?" I ask, leaning back in my seat and crossing my legs.

"Oh he's fine-" I cut Blaise off.

"You look terrible, Draco."

He chuckles, but it is humorless. "Thanks Hermione," He replies bitterly. He looks down at the table and scowls. "Just tired." His tone says more than anything to drop it.

"Alright, what are we doing today?" I look away from Draco to Blaise who is acting like a child again.

"Nothing!" He exclaims, loudly.

"Nothing? That seems boring. Do you mind if I-"

"No, we have to do nothing. Father has suggested we help you control your magic when your emotions are strong. Our nothing is fairly similar to the muggles meditation." Draco chuckles at this but is still looking at the table.

"Emphasis on fairly," He mutters, mostly to himself.

"Good morning." I turn in my seat and watch as Circe and Felix walk in together, a smile on Circe's face and a tired frown on Felix's.

"Morning," The three of us say as the adults take their seats and the food appears.

The room gets quiet for a few minutes as we all serve ourselves and take the first few bites. The food is delicious as always, but not as good as Hogwarts. However, I still miss cooking for Phillip and I every night.

"So, Blaise says we are doing nothing today?" I set down my fork and eggs to look at Felix.

"Well yes, but it will be tiring." Felix puts down his fork also. "Your magic is powerful but you've never really had to control it because up until recently most was under a strong glamour charm. Now you have full access and every time your magic thinks you need help, it starts up without your consent."

"But my glamour charm is still on." I extend my arms in front of me to prove it.

"Yes, but you placed that glamour charm on yourself just to look different. You didn't add any enchantments like I did," Circe explains. "So it is only your appearance that is different now."

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