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Anyone hear about J.K. regretting Ron and Hermione being together? Want to hear your thoughts! comment them or message me!

It took Draco and I another three days for both of us to finish the research, and all of Monday to compare notes and write a final parchment for each table of our combined notes and what notes needed to be taken out. The conversation on what notes to be taken out had led to a small argument, but I consented eventually. Each parchment ended up being more than a foot, and I was happy with each. Friday morning, Draco made a new copy of the contract so we could have two, and each was lying on top of the desks in the corners of the library, ready to be looked over once we were finished learning.

Friday night I received several letters, none of them helping in my tense state. Of course this is because all three are from the men in my life.


Ginny said you and her had fun shopping with the moms. You should come over for dinner to talk soon.

Reply back when you see it so we can plan,


So I have to face telling Harry, meaning I'm that much closer to having to tell the Weasleys.


You said we could plan to talk, and I really do want to talk. We can go to Leaky Cauldron or to Hogsmead for lunch or dinner and discuss things.

Please reply this time, Hermione.


He is still making it sound like its my fault. But I take the higher ground this time and write to him date, time, and place, but nothing else. It's two hours after the time I told Harry. Both are planned for Wednesday.


Mother caught a cold due to the changing season and because of her already weak state, it's worse than it should be. I'm going to have to cancel Sunday. I'm extremly sorry, but I'm sure you can find something else to do, you always have.

I love you so much and hope you don't think I'm lying. I would never lie to you.


I reread the letter, hoping I'm just imagining his emotions behind the writing. He seems angry, but it might be from stress or something. Yet his last sentence suggests he is mad at me for lying to him. Does he know about Aurora? Or Hermione? Or both?

I received these Friday night and on Tuesday I'm still thinking about what he said. In my reply I acted like it was nothing and told him he was forgiven and that I loved and missed him. He hasn't replied yet.

Draco and I sit on opposite sides of the library while we look over the contract, reading it over and over again to find a flaw or loophole. I've stared at it long enough to realize that Lucius wrote up part of it long before he knew Narcissa was pregnant. Maybe before Circe was. It was obvious Draco's name had been written in after mine, and that the part about money was written before Aurora was written in the empty spaces. Lucius has been planning this much longer than I originally thought.

"Hermione." I look up from the two signatures and see Draco frowning down at me, leaning against my desk. "We're going somewhere after lunch," He states.

"Like that meadow?" I ask, slightly smiling at the memory of how peaceful it was and the feeling of zooming through the air without being scared.

"No," Draco says, no longer frowning, but not smiling either. He's closed himself off again.

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