I Wasn't Thinking

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Hi all, I'm posting this one quickly because its the second half.

Please Review! I want your thoughts on Dramione and how the ball went!

"Welcome everyone, to our home," Felix stands on top of a platform with the glass wall behind him, it was dark outside so I couldn't see the garden except the outline of the fountain. "Its been too long since the last time I saw some of you, and others I'm excited to see you again." A murmur of agreement floats through the crowd, and I'm aware of the ones he will be seeing again moving closer to me. "We wanted all of our closest friends to be here tonight so you can hear the big news my family has from us and not the Prophet." Harry stands on one side of me while Draco still has his arm around me. Blaise was standing on the platform with Circe, behind Felix. "And it is big news, wonderful news that when I think of it I can't help but smile like a teenage boy." As a murmur goes through the room again I turn to look at Draco who was watching me instead of the announcement.

"Should we get closer?" I whisper.

Draco nods. "Potter," He snaps, still under a whisper. He inclines his head towards the stage then points at me. Harry nods and the three of us slowly walk towards the stage, acting like we just want to see better.

"During both wizarding wars, my family lost a member that could never be replaced. My daughter couldn't come home because it was dangerous for her and for the rest of my family. The Dark Lord agreed to leaving my lovely life alone, and as long as I had one child he would leave them alone too. At the time Circe was pregnant, but we found out later it was with twins." A louder murmur goes through the crowd as I reach the front of the crowd and look up at Felix who smiled a little more confidently when he sees me. "A friend that I thought I could trust told the Dark Lord that my son Blaise was born, but left out any mention of my daughter. We had to hide her and break off contact after just two months." Felix pauses, but the crowd had grown silent as they watched Felix talk. Circe allowed only one tear to drop. "Circe and I thought of our daughter everyday. We tried to watch our daughter when she entered the wizarding community, but we knew as much as the general public knew. It wasn't till recently that our daughter came home and we could begin to be a true family. That is why all four of us wanted to have this ball. To tell everyone we care about about our family and to properly introduce my daughter." Around me people begin to look around the room, most of them towards the stairs expecting to see a dark-skinned, black hair woman coming down.

"Do you want me to go up there with you?" Draco whispers into my ear quickly. After slight hesitation, I nod with wide eyes, the nervous feeling creeping into my throat. Draco moves his arm so his hand is on the small of my back and leads me closer towards the stage, until I'm climbing it's stairs with shaky legs ready to throw up. "Breathe," Draco whispers from behind me so no one else can see me.

"Everyone this is my daughter," Felix stretches out a hand and takes mine out of Draco's. "Hermione Zabini." Theres loud gasps, talking and clapping mixed together.

Blaise walks forward and takes my other hand, Draco stepping off the stage with Harry. Circe takes Felix's place and kisses my head, causing me to smile and clam down a little. Felix puts a hand on Blaise's shoulder, grinning as much as Blaise is.

"Hi," I say to the crowd when it quiets down. A few of my friends chuckle, but I can tell that those who didn't know are on edge. "I didn't know about my family until my past birthday in September. I've been living out of the country for the past year, and I don't plan on answering any question retaining to that. I will answer questions about the past three or four months though." There is one beat of everyone figuring out their question, then hundreds of hands raise. I chuckle when I see a hole in the crowd of no hands raised where the Order stands. "Daphne." I say nodding towards the blonde who was closer to the front.

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