Chapter 7

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"Hi." I managed a smile.

"Hello there..." One guy continued.

"Leah." I finished it off for him.

"Hey, I'm Scott." He smiled.

A long sigh of relief was mentally released in my mind, thanking the Lord I didn't embarrass myself. I have a habit of overcoming my confidence once I meet new people and it always comes to the point they never speak to me again.

"And I'm Zayn." The guy in the quiff hairdo from earlier stepped in. "I think you've already received my first impression of you."

I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled as the next guy approached up to me.

"I'm Louis, and this is Mike." Louis patted Mike's shoulder, "He doesn't talk much but he really knows how to fight so watch out."

Mike looked at him with his big blue eyes and scoffed at Louis comment.but didn't reply.

"And finally," Scott continued as he looked around, "Of course, I knew it."

"What happened?" I asked.

"There's one more guy but heaven knows where he could be?" He questioned.

"He told me he was going to go to the bathroom." Zayn answered Scott's question.

I knew that exact moment that that was the guy I was looking for. It had to be.

"Well how long does it take to use the bathroom?" Scott asked.

"Apparently, a lot." Louis joked.

The rest of the guys laughed at Louis comment while I stood in front of them with my mind wandering back to the moment the door swung open in the bathroom.


My thoughts blurred out as I noticed someone was calling my name. Scott.


"I've been calling you for a while now and you blacked out on me." He chuckled.

"Oh, sorry."  I smiled. "What did you want to tell me?"

I couldn't believe I lost track of time thinking about the mysterious male. It was completely embarrassing and I hope they don't ask me what it was I was thinking about.

Scott was about to say something when the front door opened. Thinking it was Robert and Niall, I didn't bother to look.

Scott turned around and the sudden change in his voice made me realize I was wrong yet again.

"There you are."

It was the guy. I knew I wasn't crazy!

He had a straight look on his face, not a smile to spare. His features made my eyes widen in fear. He didn't seem to be much of a friendly guy.

His eyes flickered from Scott to me, I knew he saw me and I knew he knew who I was.

"Hey, come meet Robert's daughter." Zayn called out.

The currently unnamed male walked down the front porch, never leaving eye contact with mine.

He flicked his head up while taking hold of his bottom lip with his teeth and slowly letting it slide back out as he came to a stop next to Scott.

"H-Hi." I uttered.

"What's your name?" He asked squinting his eyes from the sun.


I saw him bite the inside of his cheek and that was it, no other movement of any sort.

Was he going to ask me back? Or is he just going to leave me hanging here and have me call him that guy who busted in on me ?

"Come on, Harry, be more welcoming." Scott urged.

Harry, finally I knew his name, didn't listen to Scott or even looked at him.

"Why? She's already here?"

If has to do with anything I said in the bathroom, I hope he notices it was for a good reason. But why is he acting like he's never seen me before? Does he have to be so rude? I have feelings too.

"Don't be like that, she hasn't done anything us." Zayn spoke from behind.

I was about to jump in and say it was okay and we could move onto a different subject but Harry beat me to it.

"That's probably because she doesn't know who we are!" This time he turned around to look at them.

"Does anyone know who we are anymore?" He slightly shouted looking around as he turned back to me.

I wasn't comprehending, are they criminals or something? No, I don't think Robert would hire criminals to work with him. Or would he? I mean, I don't know him that well?

They all looked at Harry as if he was going to spill something that shouldn't be spilled.

I tried to ignore the fact that he was and started to move my vision around to other places.

"Harry, just leave it alone." Scott spoke behind him.

Harry took a long look at my face, not knowing why, I did the same to him.

He wasn't happy at all, it showed it in his face.

My cautioness heightened as he walked closer to me. He took a sudden stop right next to me, our shoulders nearly touched. He didn't look back at me, he only looked forward. I was terrified.

"Welcome to Springfield." His tone wasn't very welcoming.

He walked away, my body swiftly turned around to watch him swing a leg up and sit on a black motorcycle that was parked in front of the driveway. His hands gripped a black helmet and placed it over his head, making sure it was secure before starting the bike and driving away at a speed only seen in movies.

"I'm sorry about him," I heard Zayn speak behind me.

I turned around just in time as he started to speak again, "He can be a bit of a hard head at times."

"No shit." Louis chuckled leaning his back on the side of Robert's black pickup truck and crossing his aims over his chest.

All the guys chuckled towards Louis' comment.

All I could do was think about what Harry said.

"What did he mean about that? About, no one knows who you are?" I asked.

"That's nothing." Scott smiled, "Don't worry about it."

I want so pleased with my response, I want to know what happened. All of these guys are going to be around a lot and I'm not going to let them come and pretend they're good so they could end up hurting any one of us.

At that same moment, Robert came in through the front door with Niall behind him.

"Okay, who wants fresh lemonade?" Robert asked holding out a tray of cups filled with the sour liquid.

They all turned and ran up to him, each taking a cup in their hands and coming back to their previous spots.

"Leah, you don't want lemonade?" Niall asked coming down the front porch steps.

"No thanks, I'll pass." I smiled.

Niall set the remaining glass on top of a car and took a sip from his cup.

There was a long period of silence before I remembered something that Scott was going to do before Harry came in, "Oh, Scott, what was it that you wanted to me?"

Scott nearly choked in his drink as he took one last sip and held a hand out so he could finish swallowing.

"Mhm...I was going to tell you that if you need any help around school tomorrow, just find me or one of the guys."

I smiled, "Oh, thanks. That's really going to be helpful."

"No problem." He smiled.

Great, now I have two things to worry about. One, what's up with who they are . And two, entering a school that's already in it's last semester.

My life just gets better and better by the day...

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