Cold Water

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Warning : Slightly mention of alcohol, bullying and drug abuse

Highschool AU

Dinah POV 

I barged in to Lauren's room and wake her up harshly. "Lo! Lo wake up you loser" I said while kicking her softly to make her wake up. She groan but pull her blanket above her head, cover her completely from me but I having none of it. "Lauren, I swear to God if you don't wake up - " I tried to threaten her. "You do what, Dinah?!" Lauren snapped open her bloodshot eyes. I lift my eyebrows and scoff at her. 

"For the love of holy, Lauren stop moping around and get your ass up. I warning you about dating that Tori Kelly chick but you don't listen to me. She's a bad news and this is what bite you in the ass"I said while tugging Lauren's blanket but she hold it tightly. "Just leave me alone, Dinah. Yes, I know you're warning me about her but I thought that she's change when she's with me"Lauren then sit up and swipe her face with her hand. I sigh and sit next to her. 

"Just let her go, Lauren"I give her my best advice at the moment. Lauren take a deep breath and throw me smile even though it just a small one. "I love her, D you know that don't you. I almost lost our friendship because of her. She turn me into someone that I swear to you I wouldn't be. 2 years, DJ. 2 years I'd been with her and not once she said she love me back. And to top it on my already wounded heart, last night she told me that she's done with me and move to another girl arms that probably as shitty as her"Lauren told me with anger that combine with hurt and tiredness.

"I get that, Lo. Ally, Normani and I will be here for you. I know how much you care about her and she just treat you like shit. You shouldn't be drowning on your own. When I see that curly blonde hair, I'm gonna give her so much needed Poly beat down"I said and make my face like I want to beat someone face. I probably do anyway. "That won't be necessarily, D but thanks for the comfort"Lauren chuckle and pat my thigh.  "You're welcome, dawg. Get your ass to the bathroom, dude. We're starving. Ally want to eat some waffles before school began" I said to her while shoving her playfully so she stand up. Lauren shake her head and finally stand up and walk to her bathroom.  

While the shower in the bathroom running, I tried to clean Lauren's room from the empty beer cans and looks like a rolled paper. I sniff the used rolled paper and I grimace. That smell definitely weed. I sigh and shake my head. I help clean her room as best as I can and dust my hands off. I heard the shower head turn off and slowly I walk out from Lauren's room and down the stair. 

"How is she?"ask Ally as my feet landed on the last steps of the stair. "She's doing good, I think. At least she's accept the fact that Tori is not good for her. I kind of worry about her though"I told them then furrowed my eyebrows. SHIT! nobody knows Lauren kind of become an alcoholic and drug abuse because of her. Me and my blabber mouth I said to myself. "Why?"Normani said. With the corner of my eyes I see Lauren descending the stairs. "Later, I tell you guys later when Lauren wasn't around" I smile to them and they let it go for the time being. 

"You guys ready?"Lauren ask us and we nodded our heads. "Great! so, who's car is it?"Lauren ask us while smiling. "Yours"Normani said easily. "Wait, what?"Lauren blink her eyes confuse. "Your car, Lauser now chop chop"I said to her while looping my arm to her, dragging her to the driveway of her car. "I thought you guys starving"Lauren told us. "We do"Ally chirp in. "So why do we use my car instead yours? All of you have your own cars you know"She said still processing what happen. "So? Did I told you that we bring any cars from our early conversation?"I ask her and smirking. "No?" she said it more like a question than a statement. "There you go" I smile triumphly. 

Lauren unlock her 2016 metallic black Ford Shelby Mustang GT-H with gold racing strips that goes from in front of the hood to the back. Ally and Normani crawling to the backseat while I ride shotgun. She shake her head, "Why even I befriended you guys?"She ask to no one in particular then chuckling. "You love us, Lo. Admit it"I said pinching her cheek like grandma do to their grandchild. Lauren swat my hands while Ally and Normani laughing on the backseat. 

Lauren POV

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Lauren POV

After the much needed waffles we straight go to the school. Dinah let out a piercing scream and I almost swerve my car from the sudden high pitch. "What the hell, DJ!!"I look at her shortly then focus my eyes back on the road. "Turn it up, Lo"Normani hit my car. I turn it up a little bit. 

"Cause we all get lost sometimes, you know?
It's how we learn and how we grow
And I wanna lay with you 'til I'm old
You shouldn't be fighting on your own

And if you feel you're sinking,
I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you
And although time may take us into different places
I will still be patient with you
And I hope you know

I won't let go (I won't let go, no, no, no, no, no, no)
I'll be your lifeline tonight
I won't let go
I'll be your lifeline tonight"
Ally, Dinah and Normani harmonising at the end. "Praise Lord, we're so good"Ally said and we laugh, agreeing to what she said. 

15 minutes later we arrive at our school. We said goodbye, went to our designed lockers and classroom. Dinah is a Sophomore, Mani and I are a Junior and Ally is a Senior. The first bell ring indicated that class will be starting soon. Before I go to my class, I went into the girls restroom. I heard a small whimper. "Hello?"I said so I don't startle the distress girl. I knock to one of the closed stall. "You okay there?" I ask to whomever behind that door. I heard she take a deep breath and slowly open the door.

My heart feel like stop for a moment. I know the girl in front of me. Despite her wet hair and dishelved appearance, she still look stunning. It angered me kids these day still give the most embarrassing kind of bullying which is swirly. Here stand before me, Karla Camila Cabello. My long time crush. She look up to me with glassy and pleading eyes. This girl have been bullied for a long time because she doesn't have any friends and kind of weird. 

Come on, come on
Save me from my rocking boat
I just want to stay afloat
I'm all alone
And I hope, I hope
Someone's gonna take me home
Somewhere I can rest my soul
I need to know

"Help me"she said with broken voice and without warning she hug me tightly. I take a deep breath because I can feel her slowly sinking and braking apart.Her tears and her soak body seeping through my clothes but I don't mind a bit. She shook uncontrollably in my arms and it's braking my heart. "It's okay. No one will hurt you now. I promise you can count on me. I won't let you go"I reassure her and she said thank you between her sobs. I rub her back until she calm down.

I hear the second bell go off and I know I already late to my morning class.  This girl in my arms are more important than those lessons. It won't hurt me if I miss a class, but if I let go of this girl in my arms when she needed me the most, I know I'll regret it. 

You won't let go (I won't let go, no, no, no, no, no, no)
I'll be your lifeline tonight
You won't let go
I'll be your lifeline tonight

I won't let go
I won't let go

A.N : I don't have anything against Tori Kelly, I adore her and big fans to her music. I just need antagonist character in this story and her name that come up in my head on the first place :) 

Song : Cold Water feat. Justin Bieber & MØ - Major Lazer

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