Never Be Alone

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In this story Camila is a Senior year student who come from a wealthy family. They been dating for 3 years. From Camila still a Sophomore until now. While Lauren just graduated from their high school who come from Middle Class goes to Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. This is their story.


It feel like yesterday that Lauren been the freshmen of their school. The East Shore Academy. Now she already a graduated student. After celebrate with her friends and family, Camila and Lauren retreat to the latter bedroom. Lauren lay on her bed while Camila cuddle on her side. Camila put her head on the crook of Lauren neck and lay her hand on Lauren chest. Lauren rub and play with Camila hair affectionately. 

"Lo?"Draw out Lauren name. "Yes, love?"Lauren acknowledge Camila. "What your plan for your future? I mean where you wanna go for college? We never talk about it"Camila inquired Lauren and look up slightly to the green eyes beauty. "I don't know, Camz"Lauren inform Camila. Camila knitted her eyebrows because she knows when Lauren lied to her. "What are you hiding from me, baby?"ask Camila then pout. 

"I don't hide anything from you, sweets. I'm just thinking that's all"Lauren stated the obvious and peck Camila lips to make the adorable pout go away. "Beside my parents can't afford me going to college. With Chris still a Sophomore and Taylor just begin her High School career"uttered Lauren then sighing. Camila still feel Lauren hiding something from her. "Can you tell me what it is? Even your sighing is different"Camila spoke up. 

"How so?"Lauren giggle at the absurd fact Camila just spewing. "I just know. So, what is it?"push Camila. Lauren stop her ministration. She hugs Camila waist and pull her closer. Camila nuzzle her face into Lauren neck. "Promise me you won't get mad?"Lauren requested Camila with worry tone in her voice. "You not dying are you?"Camila being the melodramatic. Lauren shake her head no and laugh. 

"Hey, stop it. What is it?"Camila can feel her cheeks blush from her own foolishness. "I enlist to the Academy, Camz"Drop Lauren. The smile on Camila suddenly vanish. "What Academy? Police, FBI or CIA?"Camila got the feeling which Academy Lauren talk about but her heart hammered so badly she want it just a dream. "I enlist the Naval Academy in Annapolis, love"stated Lauren. 

I promise that one day I'll be around
I'll keep you safe
I'll keep you sound

"But we're be so far away. You being there and I'm here. We're 930 miles away, Lo"mentioned Camila with shaky voice. "935 miles to be exact and 1,505 km away. Besides, you can visit me when you have break or holiday. If you travel by plane it only take about 2 hours more or less. Next thing you know, You're be back in my arms again"Stated Lauren the obvious facts. Camila cried silently as her body shook from the tears.

Right now it's pretty crazy
And I don't know how to stop or slow it down

"Don't cry please, Camz"Lauren beg Camila. Lauren knows how Camila insecurity got the best of her. "Look, on the bright side you'll attend University of Pennsylvania taking course in Biomedical Science and it just 207 miles apart and if you drive down it only take 2 hour and 14 minutes, give or take"Calculate Lauren. Camila sigh after Lauren spewing the fact. "When are you going leave?"Camila. 

"Two days from now. I'm so sorry, baby. I got the letter 2 days ago and I want to tell you all about it but I don't know what to say to you"Lauren told Camila the truth. "I just do something for me"Stated Camila as she straddle Lauren and smile. The tears track still evident on her smile but she happy if Lauren is happy. "Make love to me, Lo"Whisper Camila. "You're wish is  my commend, princess"Replied Lauren. 


4 years had gone by, Camila just graduate from UPenn and the best hospital in California offer her a residency program. Focusing on Neuroscience as her background and graduated on top of her class. On the day Camila graduated, Lauren surprising her by wearing the standard issues of Navy uniform and a ring on her pocket. Lauren propose Camila on one of Camila boat. After the engagement, Lauren and Camila move in together. 

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