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A.N : After 6 years in the band, Lauren decided to leave. Not because she was bored or don't get along with the girls, but because her anxiety attack getting worse of the high demanding job. And on top of that the attack of the crazy fans, the on going rumours about her and Camila that come and go when clearly they care deeply to one another it make her break to her boiling point. This one shot will go back and forth from present and past. I hope I explain it clearly so you don't get confuse. Here we go.


Present Day, 2022

Lauren just get back from the studio. Sony Music Entertainment. At the age of 26 she become one of the most aspire music producer in Bradforth, England. After she quit Fifth Harmony, she taking an online course for Music degree. Even though she quit the band, she can't leave the one thing that make her feel alive. She unlock the door of her apartment that she share with her wife, Doniya Malik (please look her up on google what she looks like). She one of Zayn sisters. Lauren plop down on the couch and turn on the tv.

Lauren channel surfing on the tv and one of the the channel got her attention. "Chemical Sensation did it again! Former known as Fifth Harmony, last night the fourth dynamics bring home 4 awards. They won the best Best Collaboration, Best Pop Video, Song Of Summer, and Video Of The Year at this year MTV Video Music Award. Can this group be more bigger and better? Kudos to you, girls. You all done us proud! I'm Chelsea Briggs, signing out" said the narrator. The sound of keys that jiggled from the opposite of the door make Lauren turn off the tv.

"Hey, babe"Doniya greet Lauren as she give Lauren a peck on the lips. Lauren smile at her wife. 4 years ago, at 2017 Lauren begin her relationship with Doniya. She tell the management but not the girls. 8 months being engaged and 2 years ago she married the woman. "How's work?"Ask the British beauty as she laid down on the couch. Her head on Lauren lap and the rest of her body lay flat on the couch.

"Work going great. I think we found the best new thing"Lauren told her wife. She smile down at her wife as she played with Doniya hair. Doniya hum contently at Lauren sweet gesture. "So, I heard Chemical Sensation bring four awards last night"Doniya inform Lauren. "Oh? I haven't hear that news. Well, congrats to them then"Lauren let out sigh. Doniya sit up from her position and look at Lauren. "What's wrong, Laur? I thought you be happy for them. Since you know, you used to be one of them"Doniya stated.

"I am. It just I'm miss them that's all. Being in the different continent not helping much"Laure smile sadly. "I know. I thought Ally and Normani already did forgave you from leaving them"Doniya tried to remember what Lauren said. "They have. Dinah too. It take awhile for her to forgive me but at the end, she love me regardless"Lauren inform her wife. "What about Camila?"Doniya inquire. Lauren shrug her shoulders because she totally in the dark about Camila.

After Lauren abruptly leave the group. All of the girls mad at her. They know Lauren health getting worst but every time they showing their concern about Lauren health, Lauren shrug it off and said she was fine. She wasn't though. First it just a small panic attack, then it turn into small mini break down and lastly before Lauren decide to quit the band, she can't control her anxiety that become so much worse that she can handle.

It take 8 months for Ally to forgave her after she left the band. 2 years after that Normani called her up and she said she understood why Lauren did what she did. Dinah gave her the longest cold shoulder and then suddenly Dinah came to her house and apologise for her behaviour after they finished up their Southeast Tour. And for Camila, until now Lauren didn't know whether Camila forgave her or still hate her.

Lauren stand up from her position and walk to their bedroom. Doniya look at her sadly. Her heart break watching Lauren in that state. Doniya knew how much Camila meant for Lauren. Everyone who has eyes know that Lauren and Camila loves each other but back then Lauren still in denial about her sexuality until one day she attend Zayn bachelor party. They met and instantly hit it off. But what can she do beside always be Lauren side when Lauren need her to most.

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