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A.N : In this story Camila and Lauren didn't know each other. Lauren kind of the player but when she's with Camila she's become different person. Lauren want to commit to Camila but Camila afraid to get her heart get broken so they become friends with benefit. 

"Lo.. I need to brush my teeth, you have a new one right? where is it?"Camila ask while shaking Lauren up. Lauren just groan and pull the sheet over her head. "Lauren! I'm being serious"respond Camila. Lauren open her eyes slowly. She sigh when she look at Camila while she's putting her clothes. "You could always leave your toothbrush here, you know? It's get tiring every time you stayed over I have to break open the new one"She said to Camila. 

"Just tell me the damn thing, Lauren. I'm already late for my work"Camila get irritated. "On the mirror cabinet in the bathroom, above the sink"Lauren replied and sigh. Camila nod her head and march to the bathroom. 5 minutes later Camila dress nicely, grab her high heels and her purse.  "Why don't you leave your toothbrush, Camz?"Lauren ask when Camila hand on Lauren doorknob. "Camz? You know the reason why. My friends said you're trouble. I don't want they know about you let alone about us"Camila said then open Lauren bedroom door and walk out. 

Stuck in a limbo
Half hypnotized
Each time I let you stay the night, stay the night
Up in the morning
Tangled in sheets
We play the moment on repeat, on repeat

That night Lauren walk into her favourite club. She sit on the bar counter and smile at the bartender. "Yo DJ!"Lauren shout over the music. "What's up, dawg"greet Dinah Jane, also goes by DJ. "How's your girl, Lauser?"ask DJ. "Not my girl"explain Lauren shortly. "Oh? I thought you guys are exclusive with the amount of PDA. A bit nauseating but cute"said Dinah. "Nah. I don't wanna get tied down you know"Lauren said casually. "Yeah, tell that to yourself. The usual?"Dinah ask about Lauren choice of drink. "Yup"reply Lauren. "Coming right up"Dinah said then preparing Lauren drink.

Many shoots and alcohol later, Lauren dancing sensually on the dance floor and she feel like someone grab her hips from behind. She grind and move her hips to the beat. "Wanna get out of here?"ask the unknown person. Lauren felt like she knows the voice but with the large amount of alcohol logging her brain, she nod her head and let the stranger drag her out. "Go get some, Lauren"shout Dinah when she saw Lauren out the door and she shake her head while smiling. 

"Fuck"Lauren shoot open her eyes. She feel like her head split open and groan softly. She look down and see a person with brunette hair splayed on top of her bare chest. The person snore softly and that make Lauren chuckle. She feel like her left arm lost feeling. She can feel the person next to her put her arm around Lauren's waist and their feet are tangled. Lauren try to remember what happen last night but fail to do so. She take a deep breath and close her eyes again. 

When you're standing there in your underwear
And my t-shirt from the night before
With your messed up hair
And your feet still bare
Would you mind closing the bedroom door?

The smell of bacon and omelette wake Lauren up and she smile. She look at her watch that on the bed side table and showed 10:30AM. She tighten her sheets around her body and sit up. "Morning, Lo"greet the person. "Hey, Camila"rasp Lauren with her husky voice. "Camila? what's wrong with Camz?"Camila ask Lauren. Lauren just shrug her shoulder and smile. Camila put the small table on top of the bed. "Breakfast on the bed, Camz? How domestic are you"tease Lauren. "Shut up"Camila said then smile. 

"Technically it's brunch, Lauren but call it anything you want"Camila sass. Lauren chuckle and realise that Camila only wear one of her oversize shirt, her hair a bit mess up and her face free from make up. "What?"ask Camila consciously. "Nothing. You're beautiful you know?"said Lauren throwing the compliment. "One or twice people told me that"replied Camila smartly. Camila slowly collect her clothes. "What are you doing?"ask Lauren after swallowing her omelette. "Home"replied Camila. "Stay for awhile, please"Lauren said sincerely. Camila taking aback by Lauren tone and her request. "Sure"Camila breath out. Camila then put her things back down and close the bedroom door. 

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