Don't Wanna Dance Alone

443 10 2

Calling all my girls
There's an SOS tonight
Let's have some fun, yeah
One hundred percent
Every single trace of my weekdays are gone, yeah

Camila C🎀🍕 starting a group chat

Camila C🎀🍕 invite DJ Hansen 👑, Lern Jergi 🙈❤️, Manibear🐻 to the group chat

DJ Hansen 👑, Manibear🐻 added to the group chat

Camila C 🎀🍕 : Hey guys!!

DJ Hansen 👑: Why the fuck did you make this group chat? I'm literally sit 2 rows behind you at class, you weirdo

Manibear🐻 : Hey ya'll. Can't talk long. My contemporary dance class about to start. So what's up?

Camila C🎀🍕 : Where's Lauren?

Manibear🙈 : Don't know

DJ Hansen👑 : Lauren

DJ Hansen👑 : Lauren

DJ Hansen👑 : Lauren

DJ Hansen👑 : Lauren

DJ Hansen 👑 : Lern!!


Lern Jergi🙈❤️ joining the chat

Lern Jergi🙈❤️ : What Dinah?! Do you have to make my phone vibrate every 5 damn minutes?! I just finished my Introduction to Architectural Photography class. So sorry I'm focusing on my studies than this group chat. Anyhow, what's up?

Camila C🎀🍕 : Anyway, I just want to inform you 1 week from now is our Senior Prom. I hope both of you can come. I know you guys busy with your school works and all

DJ Hansen👑 : Thanks for remind me, Walz. So Normani Kordei, will you go to prom with me?

Manibear🐻 : YESS BABY, I WILL!! I'll book the first flight from New York to Miami right away. Can't wait to meet you all.

Camila C🎀🍕 : How about you, Lo?

Lern Jergi🙈❤️: I don't know, guys. I've so much assignments and project to work on. I try to make it but I don't make any promises.

Camila🎀🍕: I know. I do hope you'll make it though.

DJ Hansen👑 : So, I see you next week?

Camila C🎀🍕, Manibear🐻 : You bet!

Lern Jergi🙈❤️ : I try, guys


After finishing their education at Bayside High; Ally, Normani and Lauren goes to their separate ways. Being the oldest among five of them, Ally already graduated before Normani and Lauren. Ally opt to continue her studies in Doncaster, England taking Business Law. Normani went to New York. She going to New York Academy of Art focusing on Dance and Choreography as her major.

Lauren herself fly out to Pennsylvania and attend Pennsylvania State and choosing Photography as her major. It just a mere of days away, Camila and Dinah will become high school graduates. They can wait when the day is come and they can throw their graduation hats in the air and say goodbye to highschool. They promise to each other, they will attend University of Miami. Dinah taking a course on Nursing while Camila decided Music as her major.

Right now they drive down to the nearest Mall and to buy their Prom dresses. After they arrive at the mall, they straight away goes to their favourite formal dresses boutique.

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