Better Together

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Camila met Lauren in her Music Theory class at university. Camila is a Sophomore and Lauren is a Junior. Lauren is the popular lacrosse captain and a player. Camila is a book worm. Camila always has a major crush on Lauren but never act on. Until one day, Dinah Jane and Hailee Steinfeld randomly dare Camila to talk to Lauren during class. On with the story.


Dinah POV

"You gotta talk to her, Walz. This getting old"I said to Camila as she stare at Lauren when we're at class. "I agree with Dinah, Mila. Go talk to her"Hailee spoke up. Camila sigh as she avert her eyes from Lauren to us. "You guys don't understand. I can't talk to her. I'll be a stuttering mess. Haven't you see how gorgeous she is? She's like a goddess and I'm just a human being"Camila gushing Lauren out as she stare back at Lauren who laughing with her two best friend.

I shake my head as I copied down what our professor spewing about. "At first it was cute, now you just plain annoying with this crush, Walz. Sometime I just wanna barf when you look at her like that"I said to Camila nudging her playfully. "Seriously Mila, go talk to her. You've been crushing on her for ages"Hailee let out a small groan and I lift my eyebrows and look at her amused. "Maybe someday"Camila said as she sighing and continue her daydream about the green eyes goddess as she called it.

When our professor dismissing our class, I pack my back hurriedly as I catch Lauren and her two best friend leaving the class. I climb down the stairs hurriedly. Hailee look at me confuse but smile afterwards as I smile devilishly. "Dinah, hold up!"Camila said as she gather her belonging as fast as she can. "Hurry up Walz, I'm hungry"I said to her as she struggle with her belonging that she hasn't put in her bag.

"I'm coming"Camila said but she tripped on her own feet and being the clumsy she is, she fell but Lauren catch her just in time before Camila face plant to the floor. "Woah there, you okay?"Ask Lauren and help Camila stands up. Her other two best friend look at their interaction with an amused smile. "I-uhh-I"Camila stuttering as she laid her eyes on the emerald girl. I snickered as Camila glaring at me with red face.

"Pardon, my friend. She suddenly forgot how to talk like a decent human being"Hailee said as I let out a chuckle. Camila drop her head and blushing real hard as her entire face redder than a tomato. "It's okay"Lauren said to us. "Lo, we need to go to the field. Come on"one of her friend said to her as they walk out from the class. "Smooth, Walz. So smooth"I tease her. "Shut up. I told you I become a stuttering mess if I that close to her"Mumbling Camila as she walk ahead than us. Hailee and I let out an amuse laughter.


Camila POV

I see Lauren walk in with her best friends and sit at their usual chairs. Lauren wearing her varsity jacket with her last name on it, a white button down shirt and a simple black ripped skinny jeans. I sigh dreamily when I see the green eyes beauty. Dinah jab me in the ribs. "What?"I glare at her angrily. "Where you go? Oh wait Lauren"She said as she follow my eyes. "What do you want, Hansen?"I said to her annoyed.

"If you hear me earlier, as I was saying let's play random truth or dare"She said with a glint in her eyes. "A what now?"I ask her confuse. "Random truth or dare, Walz. Are thinking about Lauren that deep you forgot to use your brain?"Dinah said as she rolled her eyes at me. Hailee let out a chuckle. "How that even works? The game not your brain, Mila"Hailee said as she clarify at the same time. "Well, we ask one of us to do the truth or dare. Whatever the person saying there's no backing out"Dinah explain to us.

"Sure. Let's do this"I said unafraid. "Why not"Hailee replied. "Are you sure, Walz?"Dinah ask with glee in her eyes. "Give me your best shot"I shot back at Dinah, challenging her. "Alright. Truth or dare, Walz?"She ask me. "Why it has to start from me?"I said confuse. "We're starting with you in alphabetical order. Since either your last and first name is the the first 3 letter. We start with you"Dinah told me.  

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