Some Type Of Love

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Camila and Lauren is the best of friend. Deep down they love each other more than a friend should do. They didn't act on their feelings because Camila date Harry Styles, their school soccer ball captain and Lauren date Louis Tomlinson, their school swimming team captain. Louis is a Senior, Harry is a Junior, Camila and Lauren are Sophomores. So Camila told Lauren to imagine what will they be if they're together. On with the story.


A soft song played in the background as Camila and Lauren work on their homeworks. Camila on her English assignment and Lauren on her Chemistry assignment. Both of them laying on their stomach on Camila's bed with their legs dangling in the air. "I like this song"Lauren exclaim as she erase her wrong answer and put in the right one on her assignment. Some Type Of Love by Charlie Puth playing softly.

Camila hum as she also write a short essay on a piece of paper. Camila wrote her own analysis from one of her favourite book. To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. "Are you even listen to me, Camz?"Lauren turn her head to her left and smile. Camila look so cute every time she has her thinking face on. All pout and knitted eyebrow. "What are you saying, Lo?"ask Camila after she tune in into the reality.

"Nothing. I just think you always look cute when you being serious, that's all"Lauren respond and Camila blush. They do this all the time. They throw compliment to each other but Lauren always success to make Camila blush like a cotton candy and her heart palpitated. "Do you want me to read some quote I like from the book?"Camila ask and Lauren nod her head. Lauren know how obsesses Camila with Kill The Mocking Bird. She can read it over and over again.

"Okay. 'I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do."Recite Camila and smile at Lauren. "Did you understand it, Lo?"Camila ask Lauren. "Some of it but read me another one"Lauren half lied. She understand that quote very much but she like the passion Camila have every time she talk about something that she so passionate about.

"Okay, wait a second"Camila shot back she turn pages after pages of the book. Her eyes dart left and right reading it quickly until she find the one she like. "I got it. It said, 'You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view ... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."Said Camila as she beaming at Lauren. Lauren smile and look at Camila, full of adoration.

Lauren stare at Camila brown eyes and there's a glint of happiness in Lauren vibrant green eyes. "What?"Camila said as she start to loose her confidence around Lauren. Lauren shook her head and trying to finish her assign. "You know this song remind me of us"Camila said after realising the song that playing in the background. "How so? enlightenment me oh the wise one"Lauren replied Camila then giggling. "Hey! Don't be a smartass, you meanie"Camila spoke up and pout her lips.

"I'm joking with you, Camz but seriously how?"Lauren stated and she kiss Camila on the cheek. Camila duck her head to hide her blush but Lauren see it. She smile and still looking at Camila intensely. Green eyes bore into brown ones. "Have you ever consider what will it be if we're together?"Camila said bravely but deep down she feel like having a heart attack. Lauren just look at Camila amused. "Do you?"Counter Lauren.

"Listen,"Camila said as the song played on a loop.

When I'm old and grown
I won't sleep alone, woah oh
Every single moment will be faded into you
That's some type of love
That's some type of love

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