Leave My Heart Out Of This

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Harry Potter AU! Camren. Where's Lauren is a 4th year Slytherin and Camila is 2nd year Gryffindor. They have a bizarre relationship and sometime Camila can't stand Lauren wicked ways. Camila always having second thoughts about their relationship. No matter how cunning and ignorant Lauren is, they have some sweet moments together. Here we go.


Keana, Lauren, Lucy and Vero having a blast laughing out loud from their previous mischief. "Don't look"Keana warning Lauren. Lauren knitted her eyebrows and has an amuse smile on her face. "What did you do this time, Lo? She look angry"ask Lucy when she see Camila marched towards them with angry strides. Her red and gold cape flowing behind her. "We'll see"Lauren answered cryptically. "Lauren!!"boom Camila. Lauren turn around and look up from her position.

"What wrong with you?!"Demand Camila angrily. "I don't know what are you talking about"Lauren feign ignorance. "Don't play dumb with me, Lo. What did the poor girl do to you?"Camila ask Lauren as Lauren stand up from her position. Lauren try to grab Camila hands but Camila swatted it away. Keana, Lucy and Vero snickering. "Babe, that girl is so loud. I can't concentrate at class"complain Lauren.

"So you using Langlock spell on her? That's just low, Lauren. You can ask her nicely. When I found Hailee; she's in tears, Lauren. Did you feel bad about it? I want you to say sorry to her"Camila order Lauren. "Nope,"Lauren popping the 'P'. "Besides, she deserve it anyway. Her and mudblood mouth"Say Lauren with full of venom. Camila gasped at what just said and push her hard until her back collide with Lucy.

"I can't believe that word come out from your mouth. I am one too"Angered Camila. "No, you're halfblood. You're mom a muggle and you're dad a wizard. The best one when it was his era"Lauren smile smugly and her others three friends snickering. "And you agree with this?"Camila express her thoughts to Keana, Lucy and Vero. "Sure"Lucy answered. "I mean I'm halfblood too not that thing Lauren mention about"Vero said. "I'm with Lauren. Pureblood sticks until the end"Keana said as she raise her hand and Lauren high five her.

"I can't believe I date someone like you!"growl out Camila out of annoyance. "I did that because Hailee won't shut up and giggling at the back of the class. I'm trying to fix my score at Potions Class. You know I never get a good grade in those class"Lied Lauren easily. Keana, Lucy and Vero look at each other and try to suppress their laughing. "Aw babe, why don't you tell me. I can teach you that. I'm advance in that class"replied Camila unknown of Lauren lied to her face.

"Maybe next time. So we're good?"Ask Lauren as she grab Camila by her hips and put her hands on Camila's. Camila circle her arms on Lauren neck. "We're good. Just don't make this into a habit"Camila said as she lean in into the green eyes embrace. "I make no promises, Camzi"Lauren told Camila as she closing the gap between them and kiss Camila sweetly. Lauren swipe her tongue onto Camila bottom lip asking for permission.

Camila open her mouth and let Lauren explore her mouth. Camila tilt her head as Lauren deepen the kiss and squeeze Camila hips make Camila let out a small moan. "Okaayyy.. We're still here, guys"Keana speak up. Uncomfortable with the display of affection. Camila then separate her lips from Lauren as Lauren glare up to Kiana. "I should get going. Dinah waiting at the common room"Mentioned Camila. "Sure, babe"Lauren peck Camila lips and Camila start walk away from Lauren.

Lauren sit down from her previous position. "How do you even to that?"ask Lucy and at the same time "Since when did you study for Potions?"Inquired Vero. "Guys, one by one please"Lauren look at her friends. "For question number 1, I've my ways and question number 2, I don't but Camila doesn't have to know that"Replied Lauren with a sly smirk on her face. "You fucking, arsehole"Stated  Keana and she giggling. Lucy and Vero shake their heads and join Keana in laughter.  

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