Change The Bad Boy

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A.N : At first I wanna type intersex Lauren but I'm not good with that kind of story, so I change it into genderswapped Lauren. Introduce you Lawrence Micah Jauregui. The resident bad boy and heart rob. Lawrence is in his Junior year and Camila in her Sophomore year. Camila hear here and there about who Lawrence is. Part 1 out of 3. This is their story.


I want to love you but you're way to bad for me
Been thinking of ya yeah we got that chemistry

There he is walking down the hall with Kendall Jenner on his arm. The permanent smirk etch on his lips. Many girls want to be Kendall or jealous of her. Sporting all black from head to toe. He's wearing sleeveless the Ramones muscle tee, his favourite black leather jacket, black skinny ripped jeans and his combat boots.

"Stop drooling over him, Mila"Dinah said as she pretend to wipe Camila drool. "What? Who said I drooled over him?"Uttered Camila as she wipe the imaginary drool from the corner of her lips and frown at Dinah. "What's so funny, guys?"Ask Normani as she lean on to the locker near Camila and Dinah stand. "Camila drool over Lawrence"Dinah inform Normani. Normani smirk then laugh.

"I do not"Defend Camila. Dinah and Normani laugh again. "Hey, ya'all"Ally make appearance. Ally raise her eyebrows as if asking what's going on. "Camila drool over Lawrence"Normani said. Camila shut her locker and walk away from her friends. "You guys annoying"Camila stated. "Comeback, Walz! We're joking"Shout Dinah. Camila mumble and look down. She suddenly collide with something or someone to be exact.

"Woah, there!"exclaim Lawrence as he hold Camila arms solidly so Camila don't fall. Camila look up and she gulp. She never saw an eyes as mesmerizing as Lawrence. Those green orbs with a hint of blue and gold. Make the eyes more captivating. "You okay?"Ask Lawrence and he smirk playfully when Camila didn't utter anything. "Yeah, yeah"Camila shook her head and duck down. She can feel her face start to blush.

"Okay. You take care now"Lawrence said to Camila. Camila nod dumbly. When Lawrence out of the view, Camila release her breath that she unconsciously held. Camila feel a spark that never she felt before. Camila shake her head as she walk down to her Chemistry class. When she walk inside Dinah smirk at her and Camila look at Dinah weirdly. Like Dinah know something Camila doesn't know.

Camila can't concentrate in class. The captivating of Lawrence eyes plague into her mind. Camila shook her head and knitted her eyebrow as she tried to tune in what her teacher said about today lesson. "You got it bad for him, girl"Whisper Dinah then snickering. "Shut up, will you?"Camila half shout whispered to Dinah. "It's cute when you blush but he's not worth it. You end up heart broken just like the other girls if you be with him"Warn Dinah carefully. "I know"Camila stated as she copied down the notes from the whiteboard and jot down into her notebook.

But baby word around town you're an undertaker
Use 'em once never call 'em later
Breaking hearts is your occupation
(Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh woah)

One week has pass and now Lawrence walk into the hallway with different girl. His arm hang around one of the cheerleader. Lawrence smirk as he lean down and kiss the cheerleader lips. "Urgh!"gagged Normani when she saw the public display affection. Camila cock her eyebrow and smile. "It's make me throw up a little bit in my mouth. I hate that boy"Normani explain as she cross her arms on her chest. "You sure you hate him not having a crush on him?"tease Camila as revenge from last week.

"I think that's you, Karla dear"Normani tease back with Camila first name. Camila groan when Normani call her that. "No Karla day?"Normani smirk as an annoyed expression shown on Camila face. "Not ever"Camila said as she open her locker and put her books. "Where's the other?"She inquire Normani. "Canteen. I come to fetch you. Come on, then. I'm hungry"Normani stated as she and Camila fall into strides towards the canteen.

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