Little Do You Know

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Set 8 years later. Camila 27 years old and Lawrence 28 years old. Lawrence graduate from Yale majoring in Arts. He taken Photography as his concentration. Camila went to Stanford University taking Psychology as her major. Lawrence is working under National Geography while Camila has her own clinic. Part 3 of 3 from 'Change The Bad Boy' and 'Sensitive'. This is their story.


After Camila and Dinah finished up their studies in California, both of then move up to New York. Camila taking Psychology in Stanford while Dinah taking Dance as her major. "Yo, Mila!"Greet Dinah open their shared apartment. "Here"Shout Camila back from the kitchen. "Smell good, Walz"Dinah compliment Camila. "Hey, you!"A feminine voice rang out. "Oh my god, Ally!!"Dinah run towards the smaller blonde and tackle her.

It's been a hell of years for the 3 of them. Camila and Dinah hadn't been saw Ally almost 3 years after their graduated a while back. Ally let out a small giggle from how happy Dinah see her. "Life treating you good, DJ"Said Ally when Dinah loosen her embrace. "Well, I'm a dancer. I must have a good body, you know"Dinah said as she flipped her hair making Ally laugh. "I heard you getting engage?"Dinah implore her friend.

"Yeah, finally from the four of us someone get hitched"Ally joke as she show her engagement ring to Dinah. "It's so beautiful"Gushed out Dinah. "You seen the ring yet, Walz?"Dinah turn her head to Camila who still cooking behind the stove. "Yeah. Speaking of four. Where's Normani?"Camila put something from the pan into the chinaware and place it on the table. "Oh. She said she'll be late. Got held up at the studio or something"Dinah tell her friends.

"Oh, alright then. Come guys, dinner ready"Camila spoke up and the blonde girls stand up from their positions. After graduated, Normani offer Dinah to work together at Normani dance studio. Without much thinking, Camila and Dinah pack up from California and move to New York. The girls talk about anything and everything. They catch up with each other life. 2 hours later Normani join the dinner and the quartet fall into a habit patterns like they were still at high school.

The next day, Camila had her day off from her clinic. She decided to wear something casual and wear light make up. She locked her apartment securely and take the train toward the downtown. First she walk around Times Square and when the sun about to set she walk around Central Park. Camila can feel someone staring at her but she shake it off. She turn her head and she gasps what or who that she see.

Little do you know
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep
Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memories
Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece

The person jog up to her and holding his DSLR in his hands. "Hey, Camila"greet the person and he smiles. Camila look into the emerald eyes that she missed so much. She can believe out of all the places, it have to be Central Park. How cliché. "Hey"Camila replied shortly. She's still too shock to speak long sentences. "How are you?"The person strike up a conversation and scratches the back of his neck.

"I'm good, Lawrence. How are you?"Camila ask back. "Nothing exciting this day"Lawrence replied and he smile a little. "Don't be so modest. I saw your photo back then, Mr. Pulitzer Winner"Tease Camila. "It's nothing, really. I love my job and that award just the icing on my cake"Lawrence inform Camila as they stroll around the park. Lawrence look down at his watch and shot Camila an apologetic smile.

"I should get going. There's someone need to see me"Lawrence don't know why he said that. It's nothing serious between Blair and him. "Your wife?"Camila said and look down at Lawrence finger and saw nothing. Lawrence shook his head. "Girlfriend?"Camila inquire again. "It's complicated"Replied Lawrence. "When with you aren't complicated"Mumble Camila under her breath.

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