No Way

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They just finished up their last venue concert and loading up their belonging into the tour bus trunk. Ally, Camila, Dinah, Lauren and Normani choose their bunks to sleep on it. The bunks have 2 rows and consist of three bunks on each side. On the first row, It's Normani and Dinah, both of them is in the middle and the second row we got Lauren in the middle of the left side, Ally on the middle and Camila in the last bunk underneath Ally.

 On the first row, It's Normani and Dinah, both of them is in the middle and the second row we got Lauren in the middle of the left side, Ally on the middle and Camila in the last bunk underneath Ally

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They super tired but they know the risk when they become the most biggest girl group ever known. After the change into their casual attires, they climb to their respective bunks. One by one they draw the curtain close and succumb theirselves to sleep. 3 hours later, Camila open her eyes and pull back her curtain and crawl out from her bunk. She walk to the front of the tour bus for a little restroom time. She open up the fridge and take out cold water bottle. She sips it as she walk back to her bunks. 

Camila hear a soft sniffles coming from Lauren bunk. She close her bottle and furrow her eyebrows. "Lo?"Camila softly call out Lauren. The sniffles stop for a moment like someone afraid to be caught while doing something. Camila extend her arms and want to reach out Lauren's curtain but she she drop her hand the last minute, changing her decision then she sigh. Camila crawl back again to her bunk and stare at the low ceiling. There's so many thoughts that running in Camila's mind but she turn her back and close her eyes again. 

I know you don't want me anymore by the look on your face
They say when it rains it pours, you can tell by my face
Oh and I know, and you know that we've been here before
I think I know how it should end

"10 minutes ladies before show time"said the event management to them. Today they will sing at their concert tour in Phoenix, Arizona. They just finished putting on their clothes and Camila look at Lauren. Lauren look so small and sad. It hurt Camila to see one of her friend that used to be close to her in that state. Camila really want to reach out Lauren so badly but with the rumours about Camren here and there make them take cautious steps towards each other. Before the Camren thing got out of hand, Camila can go and comfort Lauren as she like and vice versa. But now, every interaction they had, the delusional Camren shipper will make assumption and make the gap between Camila and Lauren much bigger. 

One by one they left the dressing room. Ally, Dinah, Normani, Lauren and lastly Camila is out the door. "Lo? Can we talk for a second?"Camila ask as she grab Lauren elbow gently. Lauren look down at where Camila grab her but she send glare to Camila. Camila quickly retract her hand like she touch something hot. "We don't have anything to say to each other, Mila"Lauren said as she and Camila walk the long hallway to the back of their stage. 

Ouch that hurt Camila though internally. "Mila? what happen with Camz?  You said I'll always be your Camz"Camila said as she tried to hold back the pain she felt. "That was back then. Before this Camren shit blow up. Now leave me alone"Lauren said harshly. Lauren walk a few steps ahead until Camila reach her again. "Can we at least be friends, Lo? I miss us. We just to be best of friends back then now you can't even talk to me or stand beside me"Camila said with sadness in ver voice. "Yeah, sailed and sinked. Past tense. That ship already sailed and sinked long time. We're now just professionally work friends, nothing more. And that's Lauren to you"Lauren replied back as she stress out her name as she jog up to the others who wait for them on the side of the stage. 

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