Let Me Love You

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A.N : In this story where Camila and Lauren is best friends and they audition the X-Factor together.  At first Camila a bit hesitate to audition in front of hundreds of people. No one ever listen her singing except Lauren. After coaxing that Lauren promise to Camila whatever happen at the audition, Lauren will never ever left Camila. Lauren attend Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart while Camila attend private school. Later Camila realise after so many years she has friendship with Lauren, she is in love with her best friend and let just say the rest is history :). On with the story. 


I used to believe
We were burnin' on the edge of somethin' beautiful
Somethin' beautiful
Sellin' a dream
Smoke and mirrors keep us waiting on a miracle
On a miracle

Lauren Michelle Jauregui and Karla Camila Cabello are two peas in a pod. Attached to the hip. One package deal. Wherever Lauren goes there's Camila or vice versa. Lauren is the extrovert type and Camila is the opposite. Even though many of their characteristic clash, they balance each other out. "Camzi, we should do that"Lauren said as a commercial of X-Factor on the tv. Lauren on her stomach and Camila rest her back against the headboard of Lauren's bed. Lauren just come home for the weekend from her school. 

"No Lo, you should do it. You know how I get if I stand in front a lot people, let alone sing"Camila shuddering when she imagine that. "Come on, Camz it will be fun"Lauren said as she change her position. Now she sit next to Camila, Indian style. "I don't know"said Camila unsure. "Won't it be cool if we audition together? Maybe both of us will be place as a group with the others that will audition too. We can travel the state and even the country together. Beside you have a lovely voice and you love to sing"Lauren then smile and nudge Camila hip with her elbow.

"Stop, Lo. It's tickle. You think so?"Camila said then giggling. "Yes. So will you?"Lauren said as she still nudge her elbow to Camila side repeatedly. Camila giggling some more. "Will you stop if I say yes?"Camila told Lauren while she giggle here and there. "I will"replied Lauren still nudging Camila. "Okay, Okay, yes. You can stop now"Camila said as she grab Lauren elbow gently. "Yeah?"Lauren smile so wide and raise her eyebrows.

"Yes"Camila said now relief that Lauren stop the playful nudging. "Awesome! Listen, whatever happen at the audition, I won't leave you. We're a package deal. If they said no and I'm pass to the next round, I'll quit. I won't do that without you"Lauren said her promise to Camila. "I won't let you. You can't do that, Lo. Singing is always your passion"Camila tried to reason with Lauren. "True. But I have other passion too like drawing and I want to travel the world with you. Our friendship are more important than some audition"Lauren said with firm believe.

"Aww.. thanks, Lo. It means so much for me"Camila said and hug Lauren tightly. "Anything for you, Camzi. We're forever and always"Lauren pull Camila closer if it's possible. "Promise?"Camila ask while still in Lauren arms. "Promise"Lauren said back and kiss Camila cheek and put her chin back on Camila shoulder.

For the next few months, Camila and Lauren are back to their daily routine. Lauren back to her school, work her assignments and after she finish her works, she always FaceTime with Camila. "You ready, Camz?"ask Lauren through the phone. This is the so many hours the both of them FaceTime. "Yeah"Camila said and bit her lower lip out of nervous habit. "Don't do that"Lauren replied to Camila. "Do what?"Camila ask. "Bit your lip. You always bit your lip when your nervous. You know it's unhealthy habit. Your lip skin could be unhealthy and-"Lauren is cut off by Camila. "Okay, doctor Jauregui"Camila mock Lauren in playful manner.

Lauren huff but then smiling. "I promise you, Camz we will have a good time at the audition"Lauren said and glance at her right side. "What are you looking at?"ask Camila. "It's already 12 in the morning. Wow! are we talking for that long? We should get to bed. I see you tomorrow at the airport?"ask Lauren. "You bet"said Camila and smiling. "Don't bail on me, Cabello. Good night and I love you"Lauren told Camila. "Yes. Goodnight, Lolo. I love you too"Camila replied and after that the connection went dead.

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