One Call Away

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A.N : For the sake of the story, just pretend that Lauren is 2 years older than Camila. So Lauren is a Sophomore at the uni and Camila a Senior at her highschool. On with the story.

University AU

"Hey, your home"Ally greet Lauren that just got home to their shared apartment. "Yeah"Lauren respond back to flatmate. "Where's Mani?"ask Lauren then drop her keys to the bowl and hang her coat. "You know her. If not practicing at our gym hall she's somewhere doing what she knows best, dancing"Ally explain to Lauren. "How's your course?"Ally ask Lauren. You see, after 6 months of undecided major finally Lauren choose Architecture and Design as her major.

Lauren and Normani meet when they attend the orientation days at UCLA. They hit it off immediately. Then the both of them met Ally when Normani found an ad that offsite student looking for roomates and have 2 vacant rooms and they decided they'll check the place. Lauren and Normani is at the same year which is Sophomore while Ally is a Junior and majoring in Nursing. While Normani decided right away her major as Performing Arts focusing in dancing, Lauren undecide yet at that time. "Really now? You sound like my mother"Lauren chuckle and Ally shove her playfully. "Hey, someone has to"defend Ally. "Okay then"Lauren said to Ally.

Lauren then notice that Ally wears dress that on point. She raise her eyebrows and smirk. "That's not what you think"Ally jump into conclusion. "What do you think I think?"counter Lauren still smirking. "I'm not gonna explain anything to you. Gotta go now"Ally said after look at her wrist watch. "STAY SAFE, LO! DON'T BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!!"scream Ally while heading out. "OKAY MOM!"tease Lauren. "Hey!"reply Ally then the sound of door being slammed.

Lauren drag her half tired self towards her room. She unpack her laptop and some notebook and place it on her bed. Then she open her drawer and take out her loose 1975 black tee and a grey sweatpants. She change it the comfy attire and throw herself onto the bed. She wipe her face and sigh tiredly. She know that being in the Architecture major will have a lot of assignment but she never know how draining it is. Somedays she slept for 3 - 5 hours on the good days and sometimes if she can slept 1 hour she'll be lucky.

She type in her password and open the software so she can work her room design assignment. Lauren then fold her left hand and put her head down. She close her eyes for awhile and let sleep overtook her. The sound of alert from her laptop wake her up. She rub her eyes and sigh. She click the green button of the Skype call and smile. "Hey, Lo"greet Camila and she's smile widely. "Hey, babe"Lauren greet back. "What's wrong?"Camila knows Lauren better than anyone.

"Nothing. I'm just tired. That's all"Lauren dismiss it like it don't matter. "Did you have any good sleep lately?"ask a concern Camila. "Yeah. Maybe. I don't remember"Lauren said then yawning. "Go to sleep, Lo. You need it"Camila then smile through the screen. "But we always skyping at this hour"Lauren tried to reason out. "True, but I won't force you. You health is more important than our skype date. Go to sleep, babe"Camila said one more time. "M'okay"said Lauren when she feel her eyes start to drop. "I love you. I'm only one skype away"Camila declare then giggle. Lauren chuckle at the adorable goddess which is Camila. "Love you too, mi amor"reply Lauren and the connection went dead.


"No Ally, you wake her up"Normani said outside the door. "Why me?"ask Ally. "Because you're older than me"Normani defend herself. "So? that's doesn't make any sense"Ally put her hands on her hips. "Why don't you wake her?"Ally challenge Normani. "Why me?"parroted Normani. "Because you're her bestfriend"Ally talk back. "She's your friend too"Normani replied. "Guys, what's going on?"said Lauren standing on her door and rub her tired eyes. "We decide whose gonna wake you up"explain Normani. "Why? you guys can knock my door softly and if you don't get the answer from me, you can wake me up like a normal person"Lauren then walk to the island bar and sit at the high chair. Ally and Normani look at each other. "It's your fault"Normani accusing Ally starting another banter. "Excuse you! You're the one that don't wanna wake Lo up. You said you afraid that she's gonna hurl a pillow to your face"glare Ally. "Yeah, but you're-"Normani voice was cutoff. "GUYS, seriously! shut your mouth and order in. I'm starving. I know you guys too"Lauren look at Ally and Normani. Ally sigh and she pick up her phone. "Pizza?"she ask to the girls. "Yup"Lauren shot back. "Fine by me"said Normani. They order the pizza in and chat while they wait.

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