Girls Like Girls

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Lauren is riding her bike towards Camila house. Camila said there's a small get together at her house. From Lauren to Camila house is not that far. So Lauren decide to ride her bike. It's been so long the last time Lauren rode her bike to anyone houses. She take a deep breath because she knows who will attend that little get together. Lauren park her bike in front of Camila house. "Hey, you made it"greet Camila after she open the front door and she smile at Lauren.

"Of course, Camz"Lauren said and they hug it out. They still have a smile attached to their faces until Austin make his presence known. He grab Lauren neck and run his knuckle on Lauren's forehead in friendly manner. But the smile that Camila put on her face suddenly vanish. Lauren then walk to Camila's room and put her black backpack. She walk back again to the living room only to find Camila with a cigarette between her lips and Austin help her lite the stick up.

Austin take another stick that between his ears and light it up too. Lauren furrow her eyebrows when she see it. Camila drag that death stick like she do it on daily basis. Lauren then sit next to Camila on the counter and Camila look at her. Camila slowly blow the smoke on to Lauren face and they smile at each other. Camila then offer the stick to Lauren mouth by holding it over her lips. "Seriously, Camz?"Lauren said disapprovingly.

"Come on, Lauren. One drag. One drag won't kill you"Camila tried to reason with Lauren. "Fine"Lauren finally give in. Lauren slowly blow the smoke up between her lips and Camila staring at her rapidly. Then Austin come out from the hallway, open Camila fridge and take out a bottle of beer. He drink it down with his back against the kitchen counter and somehow from one drag, now Lauren holding one cigarette. Camila light up another one and Lauren look at her deeply. She smile internally how this beautiful creature ever exist.

"Lo, I'm bored. Let's go to that field"Camila said and Lauren nodded her head. Lauren understand which field Camila taking about. "Let me come with you"Austin said. He had a weird feeling about how Lauren look at Camila. "Yeah, let's go"Lauren fake smiling and Camila hop down from the counter. She wish it just her and Camila at the field but Austin fucking Mahone has to come along.

Camila changing into a black tanktop, light grey jeans and she has a black button down shirt wrap around her waist. Camila dance slowly and Lauren can't keep her eyes off of Camila. Not far from the Austin is hitting a baseball with his bat and he had 2 beer bottle lying around him. Camila then rose some sort of blanket over her head and still dancing slowly. Lauren keep a rapt attention and her head move every second Camila make a dance.

"It's getting hot, Camz. Let's go home"Lauren said. The sun begin to set high and Lauren start to sweating. As much as she like the sun like a kid next door. She hate sweating. "Yeah, the sun make my head dizzy"Camila said and she fold the blanket and hold it on her arms. Austin by now for sure his suspicious getting the best of him. Austin know that Lauren like Camila but he keep quite for now. After they left the field, they directly go to Camila home again.

By now Camila and Lauren by now standing at Camila bedroom. They decide they want to take a dip on the swimming pool because how hot today is. Laure pull out her jacket and show her black corset while from the mirror she saw that Camila pull off her strips shirt and not wearing anything underneath it. Lauren wants to look at Camila fully but she decide against it. Lauren bend down and take out her bathing suit from her backpack.

while Camila tying her bathing suit on her neck, she look at Lauren and can't help smiling. Lauren felt someone staring at her. She turn her head and look at Camila. "What, Camz?"Lauren ask Camila. The way Camila staring at her makes her nervous. "Nothing"replied Camila but smile bashfully. "Okay"Lauren counter back but she dip her head too. She can feel the butterflies fluttering in her belly. This is not good. For crying out loud she's my friend, Lauren said internally.

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