I Hate U I Love U

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After college Camila and Lauren move to San Diego, California. Lauren works at some Architecture firm and Camila starting her internship program at White Wing Medical Centre. They been going out from Junior year until today. As first they're happy because both of them can make their dreams come true.

But as Camila doing her internship and residency, Camila less and less come home. At first Lauren think the reason why Camila always run late because her demanding job. But lately Camila behaviour change towards her and she no longer can ignore that there's someone else between them.

"That's it Camz, I can't take it anymore. I'm going home and you can't stop me"Lauren said as she take out half of her clothing from the drawer and her belonging into her luggages. "Don't leave me, Lauren. I love you"Camila beg while her tears running on her cheeks. "You claim to loved me but you cheat on me. That's not love, Cabello"Lauren told Camila still chugging her clothing angrily.

"I never did"exclaim Camila. "Well, the pictures I had had enough prove that you can't stay true to me. I told myself to give you the benefit of doubts but as you come home late from your residency program, I knew something is up. I know Shawn has feeling for you and I tried to give you chances to explain yourself but you never did. Never in million years I thought that you cheat on me with him"Lauren turn around and wipe her tears furiously.

"Tell me, Lauren. Tell me what should I do to make you stay. I'll do anything"Camila spoke up and still tried to save her broken relationship. "You done enough, Cabello. Nothing you can fix anymore"said Lauren as she zipped up her luggages and take a deep breath. "So that's it then?"Camila finally realise that it's all too late. "I don't want to be like this but I guess we're not meant for each other. I'm sorry, Camz"Lauren replied back as she kiss Camila cheeks one last time.

"I call the movers and ask them to move half of my things I can't carried right now. I wish you well, Camila"Lauren told Camila as she roll her bags and out of their apartment door and Camila life. Camila drop down on her knees and broke down. The pain of Lauren leaving her hurt so bad. She know that what she's done is wrong but deep down she hope that Lauren never know about Shawn and herself. Camila pulled her knees to her chest and cried because her heart broke into million pieces.

That was 4 years ago. Now, Camila one of the best doctors White Wings ever has. Being busy done good to her. She making a lot of friends, other doctors and her residents love her. She's saving a lot of life. That's how Camila life in circle. Go to the hospital, work, saving life and go home. She supposedly live in another apartment but she doesn't have the heart to leave the apartment once she used to share with Lauren. Almost everyday she's missed Lauren but she knows that life goes on and she must move on. 


Feeling used
But I'm
Still missing you
And I can't
See the end of this
Just wanna feel your kiss
Against my lips

"Hi Camz"Lauren greet Camila through FaceTime. Lauren smile is so contagious so Camila smile back. "How's your work?"Camila said while she munching a banana. "Work is work. How are you?"Lauren ask back. "Meh. Same old. Nothing new"Camila said not bragging anything. "Oh come one, don't be so modest. I read the news that your one of the candidates for Harper Avery Foundation. White Wing is lucky to have you as their Pediatrician"Lauren told Camila and laugh. 

"Well, I'm a hard working kind of woman. What do you expect?"Camila crack a joke. "I know and I believe you from the start. I'm so proud of you, Camzi"Lauren replied back. They talk some more until Camila break is over. "Look Lo, I gotta go. My break is over"Camila told Lauren. "I know. Go save someone life"Lauren told Camila. "See you later, Camz. I miss you"continue Lauren and the connection went dead.

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