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Connie had packed everything into the box and was laying in bed waiting for Jacob.
Connie laid on her side staring at the photo of her and her baby girl on the day that she gave her up, Carly was dressed in a baby grow which had little lady bugs all over it, Connie remember the day it was brought it, which caused her to smile. 

Jacob walked in he stripped off and got into bed 'Carly fell asleep on the sofa so I put her in the guest room' Jacob looked at the photo connie was holding.

'You were always so beautiful connie' connie blushed and shook her head 'so come on tell me, connie you know I'm here for you always and forever, I can't imagine you'd have given her up without a real reason' she took the box and placed it between them, so Jacob could see everything.

'I was young when I meet Carl, he reminds me a lot of you actually full of himself, charming, kind, big hearted and would do anything for me, we got together at a really young age 14, the first time I made love with him was my 16 birthday, he made it so special, he was the one thing to get me through the dark times at home, I truly loved him, I gave him my whole heart.....he believed in me when I said I was going to become a surgeon and save lives.....' She closed her eyes as tears said to form 'he....he always encouraged me to spread my wings, we both got into uni, he was studying to join the police force, we'd be at uni a year when......when....well I fell pregnant, Carl was over the moon, me I felt so scared by he reassured me that we were a team and we'd come so far already and that he believed we could do it, together, we didn't tell our parents we wanted to have the first scan before telling anyone, he was so excited, he was happy to have his own little family as both our families lives at home were very dark, he was my light and I was his' connie went through the box to find a photo to show Jacob him, Jacob looked at the photo 'he looks like the white version of me, he grinned while saying it and she elbow him.

'The day of our first scan came,bee both cried seeing our baby on screen, hearing it's heartbeat, I remember him kissing my forehead and whispering in my ear 'our little love bug' on the way home we saw that ladybird baby grow, he ran in and brought it ' she pointed to the photo with Carly wearing the baby grow.

'When we got home he placed it on my tummy, talking to he baby telling it he was going take them dancing or football, he was going take them to Disneyland, he'd be there when they were scared, he'd protect them always, he....he said 'I love you my little love bug just as much as ill ever your mummy' connie closed her eyes and started to cry. Jacob brought her in for a cuddled he rubbed up and down her back.

She cried into his chest 'it's ok con, I've got you, let it out' she tried to calm herself she pushed off his chest 'I...I... Need to .....finish' she said through sobs. 'That was the last time I heard his voice, I fell asleep on the sofa when I woke up the was a note on the table 'babe, just popped to the pub with Pete won't be long, love you and our little love baby always and forever' that night he never came home, a.....a... Fight kick off at the pub, he was caught in the cross fire....'

She closed her eyes trying to be strong 'he was murdered that night, he got stabbed through the heart, I waited up until 4 in the morning....I left message after message but nothing until....until the police came out our room at halls...... My heart break then and there, I collapsed on to the floor, my prefect family was taken from me right at the moment....no one knew I was pregnant I'd never felt so alone.....I couldn't don't Jacob....I couldn't be a mum on my own, she deserved more than I could offer, I was 18, she needed all the things her dad had promised her and....and....and I wasn't going to be able to give her that' connie finally threw herself into Jacobs arms 'connie you did what you thought was best, you gone through something that none of us would ever want to be in. You gave her to a family'
Jacob looked at her he placed his hands on either side of her face 'connie you did what a mother needed to do, you put your daughters future before your own feelings, you gave her the best start in life' connie closed her eyes 'I found this lovely couple would really... Desperately wanted a child, they had good jobs, they could give her everything Carl had promised, they were just the perfect couple, i was move an open adoption, they'd write often, send photos, reports everything, they sent me a video of her singing in a school play once, she was so good, I felt like I was still apart of her life, she reminded me so much of Carl in the photos, that was until she was 12 then....then everything stop, no letters, no photos, no videos nothing. I tried finding out what happened but their phones were cut off, no one was the house it was empty they just gone.....and tonight.....tonight I realise I've been working with my baby girl for 2 months.....you've brought my baby girl back to our house and she asleep in our guest room' Jacob eyes widen 'you...you mean Carly is your....your daughter....this is Carly' pointing in the photo.
Connie nodded 'wow baby I....I didn't even click with the photos....what do you want to do?' Connie looked at him 'I want to get to know her, I want to know my baby girl' she snuggled him into his chest 'that's what we're do then.... We're get to know her.....' Jacob thought for a moment 'do you know your a nanny then?' Connie looked up 'what?' Jacob smiled 'she got a daughter, I meet her on her first day at the pizza place when I went with grace, her name Mya I'd say she about 6/7 but I can tell you this, she defo got Beauchamp blood in her, confident like you and grace' connie smiled 'I...I..I have a granddaughter' he kissed the top of her head 'yes sweet cheeks you do, but now you need to sleep, it's been an emotional night'

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