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That night Connie and Carly went out for dinner, they then enjoyed an evening of watching the hotel entertainment, Carly had, had a few cocktails and was pulled up on stage, by one of the male entertainers, he had her dancing around the stage, the alcohol helped Carly loosen up a bit, smiling as they danced and Connie snapping photos, the entertainer kissed Carly hand at the end of the show 'thankyou' she smiled at him 'don't pull me up on stage again' as she laughed.

Carly sat down next to Connie, 'you seem to enjoy that' Carly smiled at her mother 'yeah it wasn't to bad, plus no one knows me here'.

They headed back to the hotel room 'mum' Connie turned to her 'yes baby', 'can I stay with you again tonight?' Connie smiled and walked over to Carly, cupping her face 'of course baby' they got changed into their pjs and climbed into bed putting the to on, Carly snuggled up against her mum.

'Mum when we get home will you...well...when I left Peckham I had a house...well I rented it out but...it's got all myas baby photos and my keep sake stuff...would...would you and help me clear it so..so...so I can sell it and buy something..near you' Connie's face dropped 'you...you want to move out' Carly shook her head 'no but with the baby coming you're need the space and' Connie cut her off 'you don't need to move out just because of that, I'd rather move to a bigger house and have you all around me' Carly snuggled into Connie more 'well I still need to sort it and sell it, now Terry isn't around I can go back to Peckham and sort things' Connie nodded her 'of course baby'.

The next day Connie decided she'd treat Carly to a spa day, they had breakfast in the hotel, they saw the same entertainer from the night before and he gave Carly a huge smile when he saw her 'Morning' he said as he walked over 'and what are you two beautiful ladies doing today?' He didn't stop looking at Carly 'I'm Jack by the way' Carly just smiled while Connie rolled her eyes 'I'm Connie and this is my daughter Carly' he turned quickly to Connie giving her a smile before his eyes fell back to Carly who was now nervously looking at Connie, not enjoying the attention 'we're having breakfast then heading off to a spa day', 'well ladies have a lovely day and will I be seeing you at the show tonight' Connie went to speak but Carly butted in 'No I'm taking my mum out for a treat' his smile faded 'oh, oh okay, we'll have a lovely evening', Jack walked away 'oh are we now' Connie raised an eyebrow 'well yes we are now', 'why don't you want to go?' Carly sighed 'm..I..I don't like the attention, I'd rather just spend my time with you mum' Connie nodded 'right well eat up, our massages, facial, India head massages are waiting for us, a proper mother daughter day' Connie held her hand out for Carly to grab and she held it tight 'I love spending time with you baby, and if I'm honest about last night, you know I'd never want you to move out, until your ready you know that right?' Carly nodded and gave half a smile 'Let's go'.

They walked out later that afternoon 'thanks mum, I really needed that I feel so stress free now' Connie put an arm around her shoulder 'anytime baby', they headed back to the hotel where they changed into the bathing suits and went and laid on their balcony for the afternoon 'Carly did you bring your speakers?' Carly came outside holding them up 'yeah sure did, what shall we listen to?' Connie smiled anything 'okay I'll put it on shuffle' the sun beds where laying next to each other, Carly laid on her belly resting on her elbows while Connie was on her back with her sunglasses on in a bikini, as they were on their own balcony Carly decided to wear the small bikini Connie brought her.

Connie noticed Carly had a tattoo hiding on her hip 'what's that tattoo on your hip' Carly turned over on to her back and ran her finger over her tattoo, she bit the corner of her lip 'err you're think it's sad' Connie shook her head 'no I won't', 'well it's the heart from my necklace you...Jenny gave me from you, it has your writing in it' Carly raised an eyebrow 'my writing? How' she stood up and pull away the string covering it 'well the letters you use to write, I took one to a tattooist, me and Jamie knew, when I was 15 it was Jamie's idea, they used the letter to find the letter they needed to write the initials that where on my heart' Connie sat up looking at the tattoo, she ran a finger over then writing reading it 'C.C, C.B, special princess' a tear rolled down Connie cheek 'Your dad Carl would have loved that, just like he would have loved you' Carly looked down 'and you' Connie stood up hugging her 'i love it, do you have any others' Carly shook her head 'this has been my little secret since I was 15, Jamie went with me and only me and him knew about it'.

Jacob and the girls had joined Carly and Connie 5 days ago and they had all loved being with which other and relaxing all they did was hang out by the swimming pool, go out for dinner and have fun as a family, the family time they really needed, Carly had realised how she'd been pushing people away, she realised how far she pushed Cal.

The night before they were due to fly home, Carly was sat on the beach watching the waves crash on to the shore, 'you okay princess?' Carly turned and smiled at Jacob, she sighed 'just thinking' Jacob sat down next to Carly and she rested her head on his shoulder, she put an arm around her 'want to talk about it?' She sighed 'maybe I pushed him, maybe if I hadn't been so cold we would still be together, he wouldn't have cheated' Jacob cupped Carly face making her look at him 'Carly you had been through one hell of an experience and needed time, he should have bought more about your feelings then about sex' a tear rolled down her face.

'I know but my head is saying to hate him but my heart...my heart aches for him, I think I should give him a second chance' Jacob pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair 'princess what ever you decide me and your mum will be with you 100% but if he breaks your heart or makes you cry again I'll have to break his legs' he looked at her with a very serious face, she chuckled and shook her head 'no dad because we need you around not behind bars....where's Mum?', 'Sleeping your brother had her up most the night kicking her'.

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