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They been back from the cabin a few weeks, it was a week until the wedding and Connie couldn't wait, she gone back to work doing a few shifts just to keep her hand in at work, Daniel had been staying with Carly and she loved it, she loved looking after him.

'Right little man we are heading into see mummy, as I've got a meeting with the big boss, 4 weeks off from work has been great and I'm not ready to go back just yet, I like spending time with you.....mummy and daddy don't know yet but you're have me for a whole 7 days and 7 nights because they will be going on a surprise honeymoon' she smiled and touched his nose 'yes you're have me for a whole week' Daniel giggled and grabbed her finger and pulled it towards her.

They walked to the hospital enjoying the warm summers days, they had stopped off and feed the ducks on the way, Carly had taken a few selfies with Daniel and sent her favourite on of Daniel to her mum and dad, he had been giggling and looked so happy.

They walked past the ambulance station where someone wolf whistled at her, she turned and looked Jez up and down, 'where's the boss?' Jez laughed 'he is in his office, day dreaming about you' Ian walked out of his office and towards Jez 'Jez leave the public alone' then he noticed Carly, he smiled and jogged to her, he greet her with a kiss, she looped her arms around his neck, he lifted her up and span them around, he put her down and ran a hand over Daniel's cheek 'hey little man, have you been good?' She smiled 'he been an angel unlike your staff wolf whistling at me' he glared at Jez who held up his hands 'sorry mate but she hot' they both rolled their eyes 'right I need to get off, I've got a meeting with Hassan' he kissed her again 'come see me before you leave' she nodded and headed off.

Carly walked into the ED seeing Charlie straight away, he came over and hugged her 'hello you, long time no see' she smiled 'Hey Charlie, everything sorted for the week off yeah' he nodded 'yes it's all sorted, enjoying your time off' she bit the inside of her mouth as she smiled 'it's doing me the world of good' Cal walked around the corner with his arm around Alicia he saw Carly smiling pushing the buggy, something inside Cal raise he smiled sadly at her, he spoke out loud without thinking 'that should have been my baby' Alicia pushed him away and stormed off.

Carly walked into her Mum office 'Hey my darlings' Carly smiled 'Hey mum', she got Daniel out of his pushchair and laid out a play mat for him to play on, 'he had a bottle just before we walked here, he been brilliant this morning, my meeting shouldn't be long' Connie nodded while sitting on the flooring playing with Daniel 'thank you baby, I feel so relaxed knowing you're the one looking after him' Carly looked to Daniel 'I enjoy it, although Cal seeing me with a pushchair got himself into trouble with Alicia' Connie laughed 'right I need to go meeting is in 10 minutes'.

'Hello Staff Nurse Masters' he smiled and gestured for her to sit down 'Hi', 'how are you?' She looked at him nervously 'erm...okay thanks' he smiled 'I'm not as bad as your mum makes out' Carly laughed 'how are you finding being off?' She looked at him 'I've enjoyed being able to be with the family not worrying about work, or scared about coming in' he smiled and nodded 'do you feel like you need more time?' She played with her fingers 'erm' he smiled 'you don't need to be worried' she was biting the inside of her mouth 'I don't think I'm ready' he nodded 'that's fine, shall we say another 4 weeks before we meet again?' She nodded before shaking he hand and leaving.

She stood in the lift and took a big deep breath, she smiled into her in the mirror 'come on Carly get a grip' the doors opened and Alicia walked in, Alicia rolled her eyes at  Carly, Carly didn't say anything she just pulled out her phone and started to text Ian, the lift suddenly stop 'Great' she muttered, Alicia suddenly bent over in pain 'Arrgghh' Carly rolled her eyes 'please tell me they are just braxton hicks?' Alicia took a deep breath not answering, Carly pressed the alarm bell but no one came, she pulled out her phone and stood in the corner 'Mum help, the lift is stuck and I'm stuck with Alicia and I think she gone into labour, please listen to your answerphone messages' all that could be heard after was Alicia screaming in pain, suddenly her waters broke 'right Alicia let's get you on the floor' Carly tried to help but Alicia pushed her away 'fuck off, I don't need your help' Carly held her hands up 'fine but look around, there no one else here to help you' Carly stood in the corner, she kept pressing the alarm for help but nothing  was happening.

Alicia had been breathing through her contractions, they were becoming closer and closer, 'Alicia look you need help, doesn't look like we're getting out of here anytime soon' tear rolling down Alicia face 'I can't I need Cal' Carly took Alicia hand 'he'll be waiting for you outside here, just you wait, come on we can do this'.

Connie looked at her watch she looked down at Daniel 'where's that sister of yours, hey?' Connie phoned up to Hassan 'Hello Henrick is your meeting with Carly finished with yet?', 'hello Mrs Masters, yes we finished a few hours ago', 'oh....do you know where she is?', 'no sorry Mrs Masters'.

Connie wondered out of her office and to the lifts, she pressed for the lift she stood for a while, holding Daniel on her hip 'where's she wandered off to?'Jacob came around the corner 'well hello baby boy, what you doing here?' He took him from Connie and lifted him into the air causing him to giggle, 'Carly hasn't retu' she was cut off by her phone ringing, Connie listened to the message 'Jacob she stuck in the lift with Alicia and Alicia in labour, we've got to get it moving'.

'Come on Alicia you can do, push' Alicia beared down and pushed as hard as she could, 'that's it keep going I can see the head' Carly looked up to her and smiling at her encouraging her, 'come on we're nearly there' with another big push the baby was out, Carly looked at the baby, she wrapped the baby in the cardigan she had, she looked down at the baby, she noticed its nose, and then the colouring of its skin, she handed the baby of 'congratulations you have a baby girl' Carly's heart sank she stood up and moved away 'I suggest that you come clean to Cal, I know he is an idiot but he'll soon notice that the baby he thinks is his, is mixed raced' just then the doors flow open Connie and Jacob standing there, Carly looked down at Alicia and walked straight out, Alicia shouted 'CARLY LET ME EXPLAIN'.

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