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A few days later
'Look, he....he didn't do anything other than....hold my hips' Carly closed her eyes, she was having to speak to the board about the store cupboard incident 'it....it... brought back memories from my past that I do not wish to discuss with you' Henrick looked at the other board members 'well Miss Jones, we can't let this go, you either need to explain more or Dr Knight shall lose his job' Carly began to fiddle with her hands, everyone looking at her 'please.....please don't make me tell you my past, Dr Knight was just trying to flirt with me, he doesn't know my.... He doesn't know me, he didn't do anything wrong' tears were slowly coming down her face.

Meanwhile outside Connie was waiting for Carly, she was trying to listen but could only hear Henrick, 'like I said staff nurse Jones if you do not tell us we shall just assume your trying not to get Dr Knight fired' Carly looked at the floor 'please don't repeat this' her eyes falling to Cal', he nodded to the agreement she was talking in whispers 'I....I...I was in a violent relationship...' Henrick wasn't listening to her he started to shout at her 'STAFF NURSE JONES IF YOU DO NOT TELL ME I SHALL' and before he could finish Connie bust in she saw Carly crying and shaking 'Henrick, how dare you talk to her like that, she has been through enough, can you not see this poor girl is traumatised' Carly got up and went to run out, Connie followed her she grab her and pulled her in got a hug 'I... I tired to tell.....to tell them....about....Terry....but....he...' She was sobbing her heart out into Connie chest 'shhhh it's ok, I've got you, I will tell them, you go sit in my office, I'll be down after.' Carly nodded Connie kissed the top of her head.

Connie stormed back into the meeting, Cal was still sat there waiting for the board to say something 'Hernick, how dare you, how dare you make a vulnerable young women feel like that, she tried to tell you about her past and all you do' by this time Connie was boiling over with angrier 'WAS SHOUT AT HER' Henrick stood up to match Connie 'With all due respect Mrs Beauchamp what does it have to do with you!' Connie slammed her hands down on the desk 'she is my daughter! But that's not the only reason, I'd be fighting for any of my staff who had been what she been through, she was trying to tell you that she was in an abusive relationship, a relationship where she was beaten daily and forced to do unthinkable things daily, so when Dr Knight held her in that way, it brought back many memories for her! She doesn't want him to lose his job if it was down to me I'd have him fired and struck off but that not what she wants. But what Carly does want is for this nor to leave these four walls' Connie turned to Cal 'I mean it, if I find out you have told anyone you will lose everything' with that Connie turned on her heels and stormed out.

Carly was sat in Connie's office on her sofa holding a photo of Connie, Jacob and Grace, Connie walked in and smiled at her, she opened up her arms and held Carly 'all I want is to forget it all, I just want to be happy, I just want.....I want this' holding up the picture 'you have it baby, you have Mya, Grace adores you, we love you, look I've been thinking....why don't we all go away somewhere for a week, that way we can tell the girls who you really are to me and who they are to each other'
Carly smiled 'really?' Connie pulled her in tighter 'really, I want a family holiday, I want memories with you and I want to build a relationship with my granddaughter, I want her to know who I really am.'
'I'd like that, I'd really like that' Connie looked into Carly eyes 'I....I also want you...I would like you to think....to think about moving in with us?' Carly pulled back 'What? Really? But...' Connie held Carly's hand 'you're always at ours anyway and we can...we can support you, help you move forward' Carly nodded she had a lump in her throat 'I'd...I'd like that' 'right I'm just going to find Jacob see if he ready to go home' Connie left the office Carly was checking her face and touching up her make up.

Cal knocked at the door, he walked in and closed the door 'Carly, I just want to tell you, I won't repeat what I heard today, I never meant to hurt you, I never meant to remind you, I'm sorry' Carly took in a deep breath and turned to him 'it's fine, you didn't know, no body knew until recently, I'm working on sorting myself out and pulling though it' he smiled at her, he leant forward and whispered 'you're a Beauchamp, you're get through it, just....just try not to be a mini ice queen' they both laughed. Connie walked in 'Dr Knight what ar....' Connie was cut off 'it's fine mu....I mean Connie, he came to say sorry, we've sorted it and we want to try our best to move on from it' Connie nodded and smiled 'we're leaving in 10 are you coming with us' Carly nodded and left to get her bag along with Cal. Connie's turned to Jacob 'did you here her, she nearly called me mum' Jacob pulled her in for a cuddle 'she will do sweetcheeks, just give her time'.

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