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Arrrrggghh my head' Carly put her hand to her forehead rubbing it, she noticed a bottle of water and some pain killers with a note 'morning Carly, take these you're going to need them, Jacob and connie xx'

Carly laid back on the pillow sighing, 'shit, why did I come back here' holding on to her necklace and rubbing it, her phone beeped.

'Hey Carly, Beth's mum here, the girls want to go to the cinema then out for lunch, is that OK with you? I'll drop Mya home about 3?'

'Hiya, that's fine with me as long as you don't mind?'

'It's fine see you then'

Carly got up and looked at herself in the morning, 'God I look rough' just as she said it connie walked past her room, 'morning, some clothes here, towels in the en suite if you would like a shower' Carly smiled and looked at the floor 'yeah thanks'
30 minutes later Carly walked downstairs and into the kitchen, Jacob was making breakfast 'morning sunshine' Jacob chuckled as Carly moaned 'seriously what did I drink last night?' 'Shots, wine, vodka, you name it you drank it' Carly placed her head on the table 'oh god no'. 

Connie walked into the room 'looking better now' her and Jacob laughed while Carly groaned. 'Here get this down you' Jacob past her some breakfast 'I'm sorry but I can't, I don't think I can stomach it' he chuckled, Connie looked at her 'you need to eat something' 'no seriously all I need is to get going, I need to go clean the house and sleep while I have no Mya, she getting dropped home about 3' connie put her hands on her hips 'staff nurse Jones you are not leaving my house until I've seen you eat something!' Carly looked at Jacob halo held up his hands 'hey don't look at me she the boss here as well as at work' they all laughed.

Carly sat opposite Jacob and connie and took a bite out of her fry up that Jacob had made, the smell a lone was making Carly stomach turn, she could sit there any more she quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, connie followed after and could hear her being sick, she walked in and held her hair back and rub her back. 

Once Carly had stop, her head still down the toilet 'please, please just leave me' connie laughed 'you're not feeling great, let me help you' Carly shook her head 'it's my own fault stupid alcohol, I just need to go home and sleep it off'
'Carly I'm not letting you leave her like this. Text Mya's friends mum and ask her to drop her here and go back to bed' Carly 'Im fine, I'll b' went to speak connie she was cut off 'I am not taking no for an answer'.
Carly gave me in and texted Beth's mum she went back to the spare bedroom.

She couldn't settle, she looked around the room, she then headed out to the hallway where she was looking at photos on the wall, she stopped at one of connie and her daughter grace, grace looked about 3 she was on connie's hip while standing by the sea, both smiling and looking very happy, Carly smiled to herself, the next photo was one of them wearing crowns on the head, it looked like it was a selfie, connie had been laughing, it was a lovely natural photo, the next one was one of connie, grace and Jacob, Carly looked at it thinking what a lovely family they made, when she was interrupted by connie walking up to check she was ok, 'hey I was just bring this up to you' leaving up a tray with 2 water bottles and so biscuits, Carly smiled 'thanks, I was on my way downstairs,I....I couldn't sleep, I best leave you to the rest of your weekend' Carly went to turn to get her bag when connie spoke 'what about a film?' Wanting to get to know her daughter.

Carly smiled 'why are you being so nice to me? I mean giving that Jacob brought me back here drunk, I'm wearing your clothes and I've been sick which is not what I'm normally like, you don't know me' connie look at her 'last night at the pub I heard you crying, Jacob also said that cal had upset you again once I left, I can see you need a friend, is....is that such a bad thing?'
Carly looked at the floor remembering last night she sighed 'I forgot about last night, they....they must all think I'm some freak'
Connie step forward placing a hand on Carly arm and looked at her 'no you're not, you just need a friend, come on guest room and we're watch a film or two, girls day' Carly smiled and nodded, connie headed to get some films then came back to the room with a handful 'so wasn't sure what you wanted to watch so a grab a load'

Carly noticed one of her all time favourites she picked it up, they both spoke at the same time 'it's my favourite' they looked up and chuckled connie put the film on and they sat back and watched it.

By the time the film had finished they were both crying, Carly wiped her tears away 'I love that film but hate what it does to me, reminds me of....' She closed her eyes before stopping herself, connie looked at her 'of who?' Carly shook her head 'it doesn't matter' then started looking through the other films, Connie place her hand on top of Carly's 'you know if you want to talk, I'm here' Carly smiled a sad smile 'it's...its just that's how my story should have ended with Mya's dad Jamie, he was my soulmate and.......and now....now he gone and I'm here alone.....he promised he'd never leave me....he promised he'd stay by my side' tears rolling down her face again 'Carly I'm so sorry'
'it's fine, you'd have thought after 5 years I'd have gotten over it and moved on with life but he'll always have my heart' connie shook her head 'when a guy has your heart like that, you never get over it, they will always hold at least a small part of your heart, but.... But that's what makes you who you are today' Carly hugged connie, which took connie by surprise but she hugged her back.
'Thankyou connie, no one has been this kind to me in a long time' connie smiled 'come on what film we watching next?'

Carly lend forward when her necklace dropped out her top, connie looked at the heart shaped necklace 'that's a cute necklace' Carly held it 'thanks my birth mum had it made for me' that's all connie needed to hear to be 100% sure this was her daughter, this was her special princess.

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