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They arrived that night very late at the cabin Daniel had stayed with Jacob, he thought Carly and Connie deserved some mother daughter bonding, 'it's beautiful here' Carly said as she looked up to the stars shining bright Connie smiled 'I loved coming here when Jacob and I first got together, we haven't been here in so long'.

'So mum, have you thought about your hen night?' Connie groaned as they lay in bed watching the TV 'I don't really want to do anything, I'd rather spend the evening with you, Grace and Mya watching films and being us' Carly smiled 'we could do a girls weekend here? Or at a spa or something, have to make it special, only get one hen night' Connie sighed 'Carly this isn't my first marriage, I'd rather not do a big hen night' Carly smiled and nodded 'that's fine Mum.....mum?' Connie was starting to fall asleep 'mmmm' Carly smiled seeing Connie falling asleep 'don't worry, night love you', 'love you to babygirl'.

Once Connie was asleep Carly quickly pulled out her phone and text Charlie "Hey Charlie quick question, do you think you can book dad a week or two off after their wedding without either of them knowing or finding out? Love Carly" she put down her phoning thinking Charlie would be asleep, she pulled out her iPad and started searching, a few minutes later he phoned beeped "hello darling I can do a week off for him after, why? Love Charlie" she bite her lip "planning a secret wedding present from me, Grace, Mya and Daniel, I'm thinking somewhere hot for a week, you only get one Mum right? Got to make sure she knows how much me and the others love her and dad" she carried on searching after she'd sent the message, a few minutes later she got another message "I think she'd be an emotional mess with that sort of present, I'll help out with the children with you" she smiled "always a gentlemen thankyou Charlie, we all love you you know that right? Especially Mum?" She'd found the perfect couple honeymoon and quickly booked it, she smiled to herself a week in the sun for the two of them that what they needed she thought, her phone went off again "I know and I love you all to, especially your mum she like a daughter to me, she means a great deal to me".

Connie woke up before Carly, she looked over at her daughter, fast asleep, not a care in the world, she moved some of Carly's hair out of her face and smiled as she looked down, noticing Carly still wore the necklace Connie had given to Jenny all those years ago, she gently ran her hand across Carly cheek 'you really do mean the world to me, you, Grace and Daniel are my world as is Mya, I'm so lucky to have you all' she gently placed a gentle soft kiss to her forehead and got up to make them both breakfast.

After breakfast Carly was laid on the sun bed outside the cabin when Connie came out to join her, 'you okay sweetie? Carly smiled and took in a deep breath 'yeah the estate agent phoned, the house sale will be going through in the next week or so, as there no forwarding chains it's a quick exchange' Connie sat on the sunbed next to Carly 'how does it make you feel?' She bit her lip 'nervous, happy, scared, happy, emotional but happy, i mean it's great a new start, a new home, a life with my family, with mya, you, dad, Grace and Daniel, a new start' Connie cupped Carly's face 'as long as that what you want' Carly nodded 'Mum it really is' Connie kissed her forehead 'I love baby' Carly snuggled into her Mum 'love you to mum'.

That afternoon Carly and Connie walked all around the woodlands near the cabin, as they walked Carly linked arms with Connie, 'so I bet you can't wait for your fiancée to become your husband? And join us all with the correct name in the correct way' Carly watched the smile grow on Connie's face at the thought of Jacob as her husband, 'I can't wait, he changed my life completely, before him I was all about my job, the power and money, I didn't have Grace because she chose to live with her dad and well I hid my feelings, I was lonely but I had my walls built so high I didn't let people in, I just used men, there was only one men I let in and well he like dad to me' Carly smiled 'Charlie? Funny he said how you were like a daughter to him', 'I let him in and he was a great friend to me, then Jacob came along, it to him months of us dancing around with our feelings for each other but once I gave in, there was no going back, I fell hard for him, we've been through a lot but that's what makes us so strong, I love him with my whole heart, like I love all my children and my grand baby with my whole heart', 'we love you to muma bear' Connie raised an eyebrow 'Muma bear?' Carly shrugged 'woodlands, makes me think of bears and you're the best muma ever' Connie smiled and pulled her into a hug 'mum I've like this, just me and you doing nothing but this, silly comments and just talking' Connie kissed her forehead 'I love it baby, we should do stuff like this more often'.

They continued walking when they came to a little pub 'fancy a drink?' Carly smiled 'don't see why not' they both walked inside, Connie ordered two large glasses of wine, the women sat outside as the sun was shining, Carly looked at her mum and smiled, Connie noticed her 'you okay?' Carly smile grew wider 'yeah just thinking' Connie raised an eyebrow 'about?', 'you, me, my future, where I see myself in 5 years etc' Connie gave a nervous smile 'and?' Carly closed her eyes 'I see me and Ian as the real deal, we're walking hand in hand along a beach, Mya running along in front with Daniel, you and dad walking along side up, with Grace, we've got a dog and Grace is holding it lead while Ian is carrying a baby carrier and our baby in, my house will be close to yours and dads and I'll have moved on from nursing in the ED' she smiled to herself Connie eyes turned to horror 'you're not coming back?' Carly smiled 'I want to but maybe a different department, I dunno maybe become a children's nurse or midwife' Connie held out her hand 'I'd miss you in the department but I understand' Carly smiled 'mum it's just possibility, I'm not saying I'm definitely leaving but I'm just imagining my future and anyway it's just my imagination not likely will come true, who knows if Ian feels that way about me' Connie moved Carly face to look at her 'he looks at you like Jacob looked at me when we first got together, you're the real deal' Carly shrugged her shoulders 'who knows'.

Back at the ambulance station Ian wasn't in the best moods 'Jez just grow up and do your job!' Jez laughed 'come on old man don't be like that, just cause your missing your girl!' Ian shook his head and moved into his office closing the door, he pulled out his phone and found her number, he dialled it.

Carly and Connie were nearly back at the cabin when her phone rang, she smiled seeing his face 'mum I'll meet you inside' Connie nodded and walked ahead.
'Hey you'
'Hey gorgeous, I need to tell you something'
Carly's heart dropped thinking he was breaking up with her, she could feel a lump raising in her throat, she didn't want to seem weak she tried to push it down,
'I miss you, I miss you so much it's unbearable, a week without seeing you, holding you, kissing you it's making me miserable'
It wasn't tears of sadness now following down her cheeks but tears of happiness,
'I miss you to babe, you're be coming tomorrow night and I promise you can hold me all night in bed' he smiled and rubbed his face,
'Can't we come up tonight, I've been staying at yours helping Jacob out with the kids and I know they are missing you both really badly, surely they could have a sick day tomorrow?' Carly laughed
'You mr dean are a naughty men, encouraging the girls to skip school, but are you forgetting it actually the summer holidays' he laughed 'oh yeah well I'd only be encouraging them because we miss you'
'I'll speak to my mum and masked sure she hasn't got anything planned and call you back'.

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