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The next morning Cal had woken up and left early as his shift had started early, he left her a note

"Good morning beautiful, sorry I can't be with you when you wake up, but know that I loved falling asleep with you last night and I can't wait to wake up with you tomorrow morning, love you, Cal xx"

She smiled and bit her lip, closing her eyes remembering last night, she got up put her dressing gown on and walked downstairs, to a very quite house, everyone had left for work.

Carly got herself dressed and drove to the ED planning on surprising her mum and dad for lunch, she walked through without anyone spotting her and let herself in her mums office.

Connie stormed into her office 'Is that women blind!!! Doesn't she see, she could end up dead' Carly's eye grew wide 'sweet cheeks, you tried to help, you can't get make her have treatment' he held her in his arms, running his fingers through her hair, kissing her temple, neither of them noticing Carly who was smiling on, she how in love Connie and Jacob were with each other, he ran a hand over her stomach 'and how is my little footballer doing?' She smiled looking down, placing her hand on top of his 'having a fab time jumping on mummy's bladder' Jacob kissed her lips gently 'you Mrs masters to be a truly and utterly amazing, I can't wait for you to be my wife as well as the mother of my children' Carly began to feel slightly awkward as they still hadn't noticed her, she coughed catching their attention.

'Carly what are you doing here?' Connie walked over hugging her daughter, 'well I thought we could go out for lunch, we fly off in two days and thought be nice to have lunch just the three of us' Jacob grinned 'Sounds perfect, I'll go grab my stuff' he walked outside to his office".

Connie sat with Carly 'how was last night' Carly bit the corner of her mouth trying to hide her smile 'Amazing, he took me to this wooden hut, that had a fire outside with a sofa bed, we laid under the stars just talking for hours, he held me in his arms....I felt like the old me again....I...we....well put it this way just amazing' Connie hugged her daughter 'I'm so glad to see a smile back on your face' Carly held Connie's hands 'well it got me thinking, after our holiday maybe it's time I returned to work' Connie raised an eyebrow 'Are you sure?', 'All I can do it try, plus I'll have you and dad here for a while anyway', Jacob walked into Connie's office 'Ready then?' The two women stood up and walked out, Carly had managed to enter and leave the hospital with no one seeing her, hopefully she'd be able to surprise Cal later.

They enjoyed their meal together and Connie and Carly walked back into the ED with linked arms and a smile on Connie's face which the staff hadn't seen for some time but with everything that had happened they couldn't really blame her, she saw him enter the staff room 'Mum I'm off to see Cal' Connie kissed her cheek 'okay baby, come find me before you head home, maybe we could collect the girls together' Carly smiled and nodded.

'Come on Cal I know you want it just as much as me, I hear you like the store cupboards' Alicia said as she stepped closer to him, he shook his head 'I love my girlfriend would you stop this' she smirked 'does it make you uncomfortable?' Raising an eye brow 'what about if I do this' Cal was corner in the corner of the staff room opposite the open door, she leant in to him, breathing down his neck, slowly kissing his neck 'Does it remind you of our night together?' Carly was stood outside, her stomach in nots, she felt sick.

Cal pushed her away 'Alicia the night I slept with you was a mistake, I love Carly, I want her and her only, if you don't stop this I'll..' he was cut off when he heard a loud sob, a cry he instantly recognise, she walked into the staff room seeing him, he saw the tears rolling down her face 'when did you sleep with her?'.

Cal stepped closer to her, she shook her head giving him a death glare warning 'Carly its..not...Carly please I..', she looked at Alicia who stood looking down at the floor, 'WHEN' she shouted 'Carly she never meant anything I was drunk..' she closed her eyes 'I ASKED WHEN' shouting catching people's attentions around her, Jacob heard her shouting and came looking for her, he saw her stood inside the staff room, he body tense, her shoulders stiff hardly moving, her stance hard, as he walked over he could hear Cal pleading with her.

'Carly please' she cut him off, 'Cal I don't want to hear your bullshit, when did you sleep with her?' He lowered his head and closed his eyes 'three nights after you woke up' her breath caught in her throat, the man she loved slept with someone else while she was in hospital, recovering from a viscous attack, grieving for the baby she'd just lost, while he was having sex with someone else.

She felt Jacob hand on her shoulder 'where?' Cal shook his head 'it doesn't matter, it was a mistake, I love you' her tears had stopped 'I asked where' as she glared at him 'a nightclub, I was drunk, I was upset I...' she looked him up and down 'thought with your dick! I thought you'd changed but no....I was wrong to think you loved me...you made that mistake that night, well guess what...I made a mistake last night' she turned away from him collapsing into Jacob chest, Jacob held her close.

'Cal she doesn't love you, look at her throwing herself at another man' Alicia said looking at her with disgust, Jacob had to hold Carly back stopping her from going for the F1, Connie heard all the noise 'What's going on in here?' Looking at everyone, seeing Carly having tear stained cheeks, Carly glaring at Alicia and Cal, 'Carly sweetheart, what's happened?' Alicia eyes grew at hearing Connie called Carly sweetheart, 'he slept with her' pointing to Alicia before turning and walking away, quickly grabbing her bag from Connie's office, Robyn and Louise spotted Carly 'Carly you're here we' before they could continue they saw her tears, Louise hugged her and Robyn joined in 'I...I...I. Need to go' Louise shook her head 'what's happened' Carly looked back to the staff seeing Cal, Alicia, Connie and Jacob stood there, Connie giving her death glare stare 'he slept with her' was all she told them before running out the ED.

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