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'Cal you're hurting me' he gripped her harder and tried to pull her with him 'Cal get off', Ian grabbed Cal shirt 'Mate she said get off, now let her go'' Cal looked at Ian while still holding her, Josh took hold of Cals wrists and twisted them making him let go of Carly, 'Mate she a women not a piece of meat you can claim' Cal got up in Josh's face 'Fuck off mate, we have history and she mine' Carly pushed Cal away from Josh 'I'm not yours, you cheated, you got her pregnant while I was in hospital so you fuck off' Carly grabbed both Ian and Josh and pulled them away from Cal and to the bar.

'Three shots please' as she smiled at the barman, she gave them each one 'here to my knights in shining armour' she smiled and kissed both their cheeks they did their shots 'Right now let's find the others and dance' Josh smiled 'not a girl to be held back by an ex' she smiled and sighed 'the past is the past can't change it' she grabbed his hand and pulled him through the crowd to the rest of the gang.

'You okay Carly we saw what happened' she smiled 'I'm fine, it's Alicia I feel sorry for'.

It was 3am and they were all stumbling out the club, Carly nearly fell but two strong hands gripped her waist stopping her from falling, 'why do you girls wear such high heels' she smiled and turned to his arms 'best these were a gift from my mum' she kissed his cheek 'thanks for saving me again Josh' he bit his lip while looking at her, he looked into her eyes then down to her lips, Robyn, Louise and Jez  smile don't looking at the pair 'they look cute together, he remind me a bit of Jacob' Robyn said to Louise who smiled and nodded, Josh looked like he was going to lean in and kiss Carly when he was grabbed 'get off her' Carly rolled her eyes.

'Cal piss off, how did you even know I'd be out tonight' he smiled 'I know my girl like to dance and when I heard the others talking about clubbing I knew it would be your idea after today' he cupped her face while her spoke, her body tensed up under his touch 'don't touch me Cal' pushing away his hand, she got up in his face 'I know your with Alicia, I've seen you kissing and whatever else, leave me the hell alone' Jez and Ian had come to stand by Carly with Josh who hadn't left her side 'Carly i', she shook her head 'you what? You have a pregnant girlfriend at home now go deal with her, I'm not your concern anymore' he grabbed her wrist hard and pulled her to him she lost her balance and fell to the fall.

Hitting her head on the wall they were near, blood coming out from her forehead 'shit Carly im' she was shaking 'you're just as bad as him' she curled her body up, bring her knees to her chest hugging them tight, Robyn and Louise had rushed over to her and held her. Jez and Ian pushed Cal away from her holding him back from touching her again, Josh had phoned for an ambulance.

'I don't need an ambulance I'm fine' Ian who now was looking at her head 'Carly you're need stitches you need to go hospital' he took her hand and squeezed it, she sighed 'why does he have to ruin everything' Ian hugged her, he lift her chin to look at him 'don't let him ruin the night, you had fun right' she smiled 'yeah was a good night', 'right then, in you get I'll ring Jacob and let him know', she shook her head 'please don't, it the early hours of the morning, Mum and him stress enough about me they don't need this'.

The police officer spoke to each member of the group while Carly was getting to the ambulance, he was taken to the police station where he was cautioned, while they waited to speak to Carly.

Carly arrived at the hospital with Ian travelling in the ambulance with her, when they arrived Charlie was waiting for her 'Thanks Ian ill take her from here' Ian nodded, Carly reached for his hand 'Ian thank you for tonight' she kissed his hand and he smiled 'anytime' he took her hand and squeezed it before kissing her cheek.

Charlie wheeled her into cubicles where she explained the whole night to him and what had happened, he stitches up her forehead 'you have needed 15 stitches Carly, it must have been a hard fall....lucky it's on the hair line so you won't see the scar' she sighed 'another scar great', he pulled the blanket up around her 'Get some rest I'll keep popping in on you'.

Carly tried to sleep but couldn't, she slipped off the bed and walked to her mums office where she unlocked the door and left it ajar and snuggled on the sofa with her mum throw blanket, she'd seen Connie had left a jumper and picked it up and held it close to her, she snuggled down with it smelling the jumper and the blanket, it spelt of Connie perfume with soothed Carly, she'd soon fallen asleep.

Charlie walked into the office at 9am after phoning Jacob and Connie informing them of what had happened, Carly was still asleep on the sofa when Jacob and Connie  turned up.

'Where is she Charlie' Jacob said angrily 'she asleep in Connie's office' they walked in, Connie walked over and stroked Carly hair 'I wish you'd called last night', Charlie gave a sad smile 'she didn't want to stress you out anymore, she said all she seems to do is stress you both out with her life' Connie shook her head 'I still wanted to know, I wanted to hold her hand while she had the stitches, I wanted to be here when she fell asleep'.

Jacob was scanning the floor looking for him, Cal had just walked into the ED with his head down low, Jacob charged out of Connie's office 'YOU' he shouted, he grabbed Cal by this top and pinned him to the wall, 'YOU HURT HER' calls eye grew wide 'it...it ...it was an accident' Jacob still holding him to the wall, 'an accident, are you kidding me, have you seen the state of her forehead, the bruising round her wrists' with all the shouting Carly had been woken up, she sat up looking out the windows seeing her dad pinning her ex to the wall and Connie and Charlie trying to calm him.

'Jacob she fine, she safe now, Ian, Jez and Josh helped her' Charlie told him, Connie placed a hand to his cheek 'Jacob she needs you here not behind bars' Jacob eyes never left Cal's, Jacob eyes full of hate toward this guy he once classed as family.

'Dad' he heard it was more like a whisper 'dad' it broke him eye contact with Cal 'dad' he turned to look at her standing in the office down way, she stood holding her head 'dad he not worth it, please take me home' he released his grip on Cal and walked to her, encasing her into a tight hug, opening his arm for Connie to join 'please take me home, my head hurts' he nodded 'let's go' as they walked she rested her head on Jacob shoulder, Cal stepped forward 'Carly im' she didn't even bother to look at him 'stay away from me, next time I won't stop him from hurting you'.
She climbed into the back of the car and laid her head on Connie's lap and soon fell asleep again, holding Connie's hand and not wanting to ever let go of it, Connie ran her fingers through Carly's hair 'I wish you'd stop thinking you stress us out, you don't, we love you and want to be with you through everything, the good as well as the bad, we're family that what we do, I love you so much baby girl' Carly squeezed Connie's hand, she was to exhausted to reply apart from saying 'I love you too', Connie smiled and kissed Carly's forehead.

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