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Carly had put on some make up and a pair of tight ripped jeans and a vest top, with her leather jacket, she wore her hair down curly and put on little make up, she looked in the mirror smiling to herself knowing she looked good, she put on her heels and walked out to the car to meet Jacob and Connie, Carly noticed they were only taking one car 'but how will dad get home, if we go in one car?', 'Charlie going to come over tonight for dinner' Carly nodded.

They walked into the ED Carly felt everyone looking at her, Connie grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight, she lifted her head up high and pushed her chest out and walked on with a fake smile on her face, Connie continued holding her hand as she walked one side of her and Jacob the other side of her, Charlie noticed how she held her head high and smiled at her.

Jacob moved to the reception to grab Connie letters for her, seeing that no one was on her left side Cal came up behind her, 'Carly your..' as he grabbed her hand, she pulled it away, she walked up close to him 'don't you dare touch me' as she turned around to walk to her mother offices 'but Carly I love..' she turned looking him up and down 'you love me?....' a sad look on Carly face turned into a icy glare 'What you say that and I'm just meant to forget you slept with the F1 while I lay up stairs' by now a lot of the staff had gathered listening and watching 'recovering, from being beaten, stabbed, physically and mentally abused, grieving for the lost of my baby..... OUR baby, you were out getting drunk and sleeping with her' glaring at Alicia, the staff noticing where she was looking, Alicia started blushing 'well she can have you, because I deserve better' she walked up close to him 'I deserve to be loved, I deserve happiness and I will not get any of that from you, so I suggest you crawl back under the rock you first came out of, because us..us...us' she closed her eyes trying to hold back any emotion from showing 'we're never going to be an US again' she held her head high, wore a stone hard face, never showing an emotion, the ice queen princess was well and truly born.

Connie and Jacob watched on, shocked at how well she hid her emotions, Connie impressed at how Carly was fighting her own corner. Jacob whispered in Connie's ear 'Remind you of someone? Mother and daughter so likely hey' he snaked his arm around Connie making sure she wasn't going to go and join the argument 'but I'm lucky enough to see the real you at home' kissing her temple, 'I just hope she okay Jacob, I was lucky I had you but...' he rested his chin on her shoulder 'she has us'.

'Carly I'm sorry and I will fight to get you back' she smirked 'for that you'd have to know where to find me and if I were you I'd stop now because I won't change my mind, let's hope your wore something on the end of it, otherwise A you don't know what you may have caught and B well you wouldn't want her telling you she pregnant would you' the staff all around her eyes widened Carly had just wiped the fall with him, the nice, sweet warm nurse had gone and the icy attitude was out to play.

Carly walked into her mums office closing the door, she slid down the back of the wall where no one could see if they looked in, bring her knees up to her chest hugging them, tears freely following down her face, she quickly wiped them away, Connie, Jacob and Charlie walked in Connie's office and closed the door.

Connie quickly moved next to Carly, she sat on the fall next to her and held her, she ran her fingers through her hair trying to comfort her 'I'm proud of you baby, you gave him what for out there' Jacob sat the other side of Carly and placed an arm around him 'want me and Charlie to go sort him out' Carly chuckled 'No dad' smiling.

She wiped her tears away 'I can't believe I just told everyone about the miscarriage' she sighed and closed her eyes, 'Baby they are your friends, they will just want to be there for you, them knowing will help you, knowing that you have their support'.

Charlie who sat on the sofa sat forward 'I'm actually scared of your death glare, you definitely got that from your mother but yours is slightly more scary' Connie playful hit Charlie arm and they all laughed 'mum can I use your make up to sort my face, can't believe I managed to hold myself together out there but cried like a baby once I got in here' Connie smiled 'of course sweetie and tomorrow were be on a plane out of here' Carly bit her lip 'about that, while I have you three together, can we not mention that I'm on holiday in front of that lot, I'd rather he didn't know what happens in my life' all three nodded.

Connie had been up in a meeting with Henrick Hassan, she'd be gone nearly an hour, Carly was asleep on the sofa when Connie finally came back, she sat at her door when someone knocked at the door 'Come in' she said without looking up, 'Mrs Masters, I just wanted to' she looked up glaring at Alicia who walked into her office 'you wanted to what?' Alicia's eyes fell to an exhausted Carly 'thanks to you and Cal you broke her, after everything' Alicia looked back to her 'I didn't know, not until after we...' Connie stood up glaring at her more, neither noticed Carly stirring, Carly heard what was happening she decided to pretend to still be asleep, 'but you still tried to even after he told you it was a mistake, I want you out my department for good' Alicia's grew wide 'But...but' Connie raised her voice 'But nothing, as soon as I can I will get you moved, get out of my office now' Alicia looking back to Carly 'you can't, it would be unfair dismissal, Connie smirked 'oh but who says I'll dismiss you, I could just make your life hell, like the rest out there will, now get out of my OFFICE' hitting her hands on the table causing Alicia and Carly both jump.

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