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Two weeks had past and no improvement.

Mya had become quite and withdrawn, coming home and laying on her bed not really talking to anyone, Grace had tried to be there for her but Mya just wanted to see her mum.

Connie had been home a couple of nights, when she had been home, Grace and Mya both crawled into bed with her.

Connie was laying in bed, Jacob was laying next to her, she was curled into his chest with Mya curled into her and Grace curled into Jacob.

'I've been thinking maybe we should take them to see her tomorrow?' Her eyes grew wide 'do you think Myas ready?', 'No but she needs to see her, she might open up and talk to her, it might help Carly, if she heard them' she nodded 'okay, if you think it's right'.

Connie held Mya's hand as they walked through the hospital, Mya pulled on Connie's hand 'Nanny why is everyone looking at us?' Connie smiled down at her 'sweetie it's just because you haven't been here for a few weeks' they walked to the lift, once the lift doors opened they walked in, Jacob and Grace who were following behind also entered the lift, Mya through her arms around Connie's legs 'Nanny thank you for bring me to see mummy' Connie smiled down sadly at her 'I'm sorry I didn't bring you sooner' she bent down and kissed the top of her head.

Grace joined the hug and Jacob followed 'a semi family hug, as soon as Carly/mummy wakes up, it will be a full Masters family hug' Mya face smiled bright 'I can't wait for a mummy hug'.

The exited the lift, Connie and Mya walked into Carly's room first, Mya's grip on Connie grew tighter as she saw the tubes and wires on around her mum, she looked at all the noises the machines were making, Connie stopped she bent down to Mya's level, she cupped Mya's face 'sweetheart these Machines are just helping mummy until she can do it herself, she a fighter she can do this' Mya nodded and smiled at Connie.

Mya stepped closer to the bed, she looked at Carly face 'Nanny can she hear me?', Connie closed her eyes trying to keep herself together 'we think so sweetie, talk to her, I'm sure she'd love to hear your voice, she missed it' Mya looked up at Connie 'what do I say?', Mya's eyes looked so sad, Connie just wanted to take her pain away for her 'talk about anything baby, what you've been doing at school, how much you love her, anything' Mya nodded 'can I touch her?' Connie smiled 'of course sweetheart'.

Mya stepped closer to the bed, she picked up Carly's hand 'mummy....you're hand feels different, like cold but not cold.....I'm sorry I've not come before, I wasn't ready nanny and grandad knew I wasn't and didn't think it would be good for me...Grandad Charlie and Duffy have been looking after me and Grace' she leant in close to Carly 'I think Grandad Charlie and Duffy are girlfriend and boyfriend like you and Cal...he misses you mummy, he thinks I don't hear him but he cries at night, sometimes I climb in to bed with him and he tries to hid that he been crying but I'm not silly, because I cry to.....Nanny stays here most nights, laying with you.....I miss her to....I miss you both....I miss our family ' tears were now running down Myas face, Connie watching on, thinking to herself how grown up Mya was for a 7 year old, how she'd not really considered how all this was affecting her, 'Mummy come back to us, I love you' Connie couldn't control her emotions, the tears running down her face, she bent down holding Mya close 'I'm so sorry princess, I love you' Mya throw her arms around Connie 'I love you to Nanny' as Connie head moved up, Carly finger moved, Connie stared hoping she hadn't imagined it but it didn't happen again, she sighed 'do you wan to go get a drink with me now so Grace and Grandad can see mummy?' Mya nodded, she looked back at Carly 'I'll be back soon mummy'.

Grace walked in, she slowly walked to Carly bed', she picked up Carly's hand 'Hey sis....so mum said to talk to you about anything....what can I say....you missed me getting picked for being the lead in the school play....not that I want to do it now....it's not right without you....plus I have to kiss the fittest boy in school.....which don't tell mum or dad I'd love to do but......I need you Carly.....I need you to help me.....how am I meant to kiss him.....your my big sister....you're meant to tell me stuff like this.....you're meant to wind me up about it and tell mum and dad.....I just want you home....you saved me and ended up on here yourself.....mum not right without you around....come on Carly it's been two weeks now stop milking it....' Grace rubbed Carly's arm 'we love you...come back...' tears rolling down her face 'so Carmel is so horrible....she been saying stuff about you to Mya, and well mum and dad don't know yet....but I got detention for pulling her hair....we kind of got into a fight....well I say we....I mean I throw the first punch.....and well....mum is going to screw....luckily she hasn't been home when the school has phoned and dad well.....he trying to pretend he coping....but he needs you...he cries when he thinks no one is around, but at night, I hear him....they will go mad when they find out Carly come on wake up so you can pretend to be mum on the phone....like what big sisters are good for' she rubbed her thumb across Carly hand the whole time she spoke to her 'I've been looking after Mya, making sure I go to bed with her and reading her the story you always read to her, telling her your going to be fine....she kisses your photo every night and well she talks to it every night to just likes she does when she talks to Jamie's star' the door opened Jacob walked in 'Grace sweetheart it's time to go' she nodded 'Carly I'll come back soon, hurry up and wake up, I love you'.

With Mya and Grace home with Charlie and Duffy, Jacob and Connie sat besides her bed, Jac walked in 'hello Connie, Jacob, I've got the results from Carly CT scan, the swelling has gone down so we're going to stop sedating her, but that doesn't mean she will wake up, Mr T is happy that there doesn't seem to be any remaining tissues left in her womb which means she won't need another surgery, however we still won't know about any spinal damage until she wakes up, scans are showing that it's clear but we can't be certain' Connie nodded her head while Jacob thanked Jac.

'Come on baby girl, I know you can wake up for me' as she kissed Carly forehead.

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