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The next day Carly was up before anyone, she sat outside on a sun lounge, it had been a week since she spoke or even texted Cal, she turned her phone on.

'Hey babe, hope you landed there okay, Calxx'

'Hey hope your having a relaxing time'

'Missing you'

'Have I done something wrong? Tell me to back off'

'I miss your face around her, Elle face is always like she chewing a wasp yours always brighten up my day'

'If you regret it, I understand, we can still be friends?'

'Carly, your the only female I've ever felt like this about, I know, I said friends was cool and it is but please answer me, I just need to know I still have you as a friend?'

She sighed looking up at the sky.

Back at Holby he was stood outside in the rain, he looked at his phone and sighed, he looked up at the sky, he felt a hand on his shoulder 'Missing her?' He turned and saw the older man smiling at him 'Charlie I'm worried I've ruined it' the older man shook his head 'I've seen the way you both are together, she just needs time, none of us know what she went through' he nodded 'your right, I need to let her have space'.

'I promise this is the last text while you're away, I understand, you need space, just know I'll always be here for you, to talk to, to cry at, whenever you need a friend, I'll ALWAYS be there, missing you C xx'

She smiled as she read it.

'I'm sorry I've been so distant, when I left yours that morning, I was on cloud 9 then reality kicked in, I guess I'm scared of losing my best friend, I guess I've got more to lose this time, Mya, Connie, Grace, Jacob and then you, if he was to find me, I'd be scared he'd hurt one of you just to get to me, I'm sorry I just need to sort my mess of a head out.
I've been letting Connie in, I've been telling her more about what actually happened and it's been helping, but I just don't know if....a. Relationship is best for me at the moment, I like you Cal I really do and I don't want to push you away, but my head, it's needs sorting for Mya sake, I need to sort myself out before I get into anything, I understand if you don't want to know'
she paused writing the message and closed her eyes looking up at the sky letting tears roll down her cheeks
'me now, I never meant to hurt you, I hope we can still be friends, I am glad you were the one to helping replace the bad memories with good ones, now when I think about it I can think of me and you and how good it felt, I do really care about you, love Carly xx'

Her finger hovered over the send button 'morning you' she turned to see if was Jacob, he could see the tears on her cheeks he rushed over to her 'Hey hey what is it?' As he put his arm around her she shook her head 'It's nothing, I'm just being stupid' he lifted her chin 'you're not stupid, your very intelligent actually' she closed her eyes 'is that what he use to tell you that your stupid?' She nodded 'Stupid, fat, ugly, that no one other than him would want me' Jacob pulled her into his chest 'Carly you're stunning and I know Cal really thinks you are, he doesn't stop talking about you' he looked down and saw her phone in her hands 'have you spoken to him since' Carly looked up 'she told you didn't she?' He shook his head 'no, the smile on your face told me when you walked in that morning' she sat herself up 'Jacob, I just don't know if I'm ready for a relationship but saying in a text just seems bad and I've not replied to any of his messages, I just don't know what to do' he stood up kissing the top of her head 'why don't you FaceTime him, I know he missing you, he texted me very day checking your okay, to me that's a guy that cares' as he walked away he turned back 'or you know just a stalker' they both chuckled, she deleted the text and decided to FaceTime him.

Charlie grinned as he saw her name flash up 'see told you' he walked off and left the young doctor to it.


'Hey you'

'So I hear your texting Jacob checking up on me' she says while laughing, she bit her lip 'it's cute really, in a stalker kind of way' cal hangs his head low and shakes it.
'I just....wanted to check after we...well...I...'

'I'm fine really, I wasn't but, I've been thinking a lot and I've been talking to Connie a lot and well, you help me, you helped me that night to over come something I'd been dreading, to allow someone to get that close with me' she closed her eyes and sighed 'I wrote out some long message to tell you it wasn't you it's me, that I wasn't ready for a relationship, but I'd be lying, I do want you, but I've got a lot of things I need to over come and I understand if' he cut her off.
'Carly I understand, but what you need to understand is that I'm here for you, I'll be there when you want me, I'll give you space when you need it, I'll be there to hold your hand when you need me to, I'll be there for you to scream at shout at to let it out, I'll be there along with you Mum and Jacob to catch you when you feel like your falling, you're not alone anymore, we're here for you, I will take it as slow as you like and if you decide you'd rather just be friends then, well that's fine to'
She sighed 'what did I ever do to deserve you'
'Carly don't ever say that, you deserve someone much better than me but I promise I will do everything in my power to show you how you should have been treated'
She smiled she ran her hand across the screen.

'I miss you to, I've missed seeing your face' he laughed 'so you didn't think I was cheesy saying that' she chuckled 'oh so cheesy but the whole Elle chewing a wasp definitely made me laugh.'

Elle came outside 'Dr knight you're needed now get off that bloodily phone' Carly rolled her eyes 'who made her in charge' 'Zoe sick today and well, tell Connie we're missing her like mad, even when she the ice queen she better than Elle' Connie came up behind Carly 'Dr Knight I heard that, but thanks nice to know I'm missed' 'Dr Knight if you don't get inside right now I'll' Connie joined her daughter on the sun lounger 'you're do what Doctor Gardener, I seem to remember it's my ED' Elle rolled her eyes 'just get inside Dr Knight now' he laughed 'thanks Mrs B now what have I got to deal with' both women laughed 'you best go, I'll see you soon' he nodded 'bye babe' he blow her a kiss and she blushed and the call ended.

'Hope I wasn't intruding on a moment, Carly laughed 'no just sorting another part of my life out' she turned to Connie 'when we get back, I....I think I...I need to talk to someone to sort my head out, Mya needs me at my best and well Grace said she hears me crying at night, when she asked why I was stuck with what to say' Connie hugged her 'of course baby, I'll sort you out an appointment with one of the best councillors I know' 'Mum can you come with me' she nodded 'of course baby'.

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