Le Allies

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>America is Online<
>England is Online<
>France is Online<

England: America, you wanker, what the HELL is this?!?!?!?!

America: it's a chatroom. The axis have one so I thought we should to!

France: it's stupid.

America: u frenchies just luv to h8 America, don't u? Y can't u go back to giving us statues of hot green chicks?!


France: Angleterre~ ohohohon

England: *snaps fingers in a Z formation* HELL NAW

France: did you know that the Eiffel Tower is tall than Big Ben?

America: eewwwwww FRANCE

England: Bloody hell Frog, bloody hell to you

America: omg this is lik totally weird now, thnks France

England: America, use proper grammar!

America: Omg Iggy! Don't tell me how 2 express myself. It's not ur problem. Gawd, y can't u just be, lik, normal, u know? Gawd. Ur so annoying !!1! D:

England: you think I'm annoying...

>England is offline<

America: wtf wuz that about?!?

France: ohohohon, Amerique, you truly don't know...

>France has logged off<

America: Im so confuuuussseeed!

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