Nations and Their Cars

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<Allies are online>
<Axis are online>

America: hey hey guys I hav a joke for you!

England: *groans* What is it.

America: What kind of car does China drive?

China: >_>

America: a subARU!!!!!! XD

Allies: ahahahaha

Axis: ahaha

China: You younger nations are so immature!

<China is offline>

America: And Japan drives a Honda!!!! XD

Japan: I do not understand..

America: ):

America: oh! Oh! I have another one!

America: What kind of car does Italy drive?

Germany: A broken one?

America: No! a VEspa!!!

America: get it!?! Cuz his accent? C'mon guys you should all be LOLin!!!

Axis: *face palm*

<Axis are offline>

Russia: America, how do you think I got here so fast?

America: H-how?

Russia: I was Russian.

Russia: Like rushin

Russia: Laugh. Now.

All: *nervous laughter*

Russia: kolkolkolkol

<The chat room is empty>

The next chapter is our UsUk date!!!

America& England: ITS NOT A DATE

Maurieller: shut up you two and go back to the closet...

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