Pamplemousse what

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Shoutout to Nevalia-Yui for teaching me about Belgium. Thanks or else I would die of cluelessness.

"I don't speak French" Dan repeated the fifth time that day.

It was his second day in Brussels and he actually kind of liked it. People were really friendly and he could practically talk to anyone.

His only problem was that he couldn't speak fucking French but ya know that's a minor detail.

Back to the present, Dan was at a shop trying to buy some Belgian fries because they're obviously amazing and he was absolutely craving them.

To his oh-so-amazing luck, the lady at the counter couldn't speak English.

"Um je want des frites or whatever it's called um-"

The lady gave him a puzzled look and shook her head. "Désolé, monsieur, mais vous-" she started but was cut off by another man.
"Hello, there. Do you need some help with French?" he asked Dan, laughing a bit.

Dan turned to look at him and his eyes widened in shock.

It was the man from his dreams.

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