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Fun fact: I can speak some Italian yayy

"Welcome to Rome!" a giant sign greeted them at the train station. Dan and Phil got off the train, backs aching and legs numb. It was a ten hour ride from where they were staying in Switzerland and even though the view from their window was extremely pretty, it was incredibly boring.

"I can't believe they didn't have any wifi on the train" Dan whined. Phil smiled at Dan's childlike behavior and kissed his cheek. "You're adorable"
"Shut up, you cheesy shit" Dan laughed.

They walked out of the station and looked around.

A pretty girl said hi to me right now as I was writing this just wanted to let you know

"I guess we'll have to find a way into the main city to get to the hotel"
"Thank goodness Google maps exists or we'd be dead"

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