Tu es vry cuute

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This chapter is dedicated to my close amazing internet frends MadgirlWithATablet and I mentioned her before Nevalia-Yui

Thanks for reading!

Dan gasped and continued to stutter and try to choke at least one word out.

"O-oui, s'il vous plaît" he said, trying to sound #swaggy by speaking French. The man just laughed and ordered the Belgian fries for him.

"You a tourist?" the man asked.
"Um uh-" Dan tried to answered but was too mesmerized by him. "Yeah, I guess"
"That's cool! Do you like it here?"
"It's only my second day but it's really pretty"
"Aw thanks. I live here. I have been here for a few years now but I might move out this year. You know that feeling when you're in a place for so long and you just need to get out and travel the world?"
"Oh, would you like to know"
Dan smiled knowingly to himself.
"Ah! I forgot to introduce myself! Hello, my name is Phil"
"Hi, my name is [Dan]"

They smiled at each other and Dan thought to himself that this could be the start of a new chapter in his life. One that he couldn't turn back on.

Unless he ran for it and sprinted off into the horizon but he payed for those fries so he was going to have to stay and savor every goddamn bite of it.

And that was how Dan met Phil.

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