Time is the best remedy -My mom

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I was trying to master the mirror selfie thing because I have a new flower crown but it's not working oh deary me

The ocean; so vast and blue and magnificent.

Groups of tourists clicked their cameras at the scenery and chatted about the clear skies. It was a nonchalant atmosphere that day in Mykonos. The island was painted with ocean-like coats of blue and white, the birds sang sweet melodies that carried you into unknown places, and the heavenly scent of Greek cuisine made its way through the crowds.

Dan and Phil looked at each other and smiled.

"Who would've thought I could come to a place as beautiful as this in my life, Phil? Who would've thought that I'd be standing here with someone who I love, someone who cares for me. And who would've thought that I'd be alive to witness it?"

"Dan" Phil said, "Life is worth living. You might not find the beautiful things in life right away but give it time. Give the world the time to show you something worthwhile and special to you. Give the people around you to show their love for you. Give things time and you will find the best in them"

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