Greece is the time, is the place, is the motion

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I thought this was moving too fast but I just read a fanfic where they got together the second day after they met? So I mean... This is okay right?

"I'm flying, Jack, I'm flying!"

Hugging him from behind, Phil watched as Dan spread his arms out and cheered. They were on a cruise to Greece and of course they had to reenact the famous Titanic scene.

"You're such a drama queen" Phil said. Dan laughed and replied, "I know!"

It was their second day on the cruise, and in three days they were going to reach Greece.

Not accurate timing but ssshhhh just let it happen

"Want some lunch?" Phil asked, to which Dan replied with singing My Heart Will Go On.

"You have a lovely voice" Phil sarcastically exclaimed when hearing him attempt to hit the high notes.
"Shut up like you can sing any better"

So, to prove him wrong, Phil began to sing and oh damn Phil should sing more because that's the voice of an angel shit whaddup oh my god

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