Returning to Silas

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Authors note: before I start I'd like to say thanks for giving my story a chance! I hope you enjoy! I should be updating every chance I get to!
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Laura's POV:

"You know we don't have to stay here," Carmilla says to me with a broody tone. "There are other, much more safe places to be, even your friends agreed and are ready to leave."

"I thought I was supposed to be the one worrying about safe things, I am the tiny human remember?" I laugh and give Carm a nudge in the shoulder, "besides, I have a few things to take care of"

"If this is about your Lit. term paper, Laura we already talked to Danny, you're free to go on that," Carmilla pretends to whine.

"No carm it's not the paper I'm worried about, it's the students." I send a small smirk her way.

"Please tell me you don't still feel bad for those useless meatsacks you call classmates. You hardly even know them cupcake, you spend so much time here you never really took classes seriously."

"You hardly knew ME at some point?" I say walking over to her, "yet you decided to risk your life for me, almost getting yourself killed," I sit on her lap and she rests her arms around me. "All for what? A tiny human who's in love with chocolate and can hardly get up in the mornings for class?"

Carmilla gives me a small smile, "Listen cupcake, you're special. Those students don't have any sense of purpose for me. I saved you because.. well because I wanted to. I can't explain it, and I'm not going to try. I'm not good with the mushy marshmallow stuff, okay?" She places a kiss on my shoulder,

"Whatever you say Carm." I roll my eyes and sink into her arms.

"Besides creampuff," she gets close and whispers in my ear, "can you really kill someone who's already dead?" She places a kiss behind my ear that leaves me shivering with goosebumps.

"V-very funny you broody vampire" I say sarcasticly before rising from Carmilla's lap. "Come along, we have much to do."

"Oh, what joy" Carmilla says with absolutely no joy in her voice.

We begin to unpack our things and clean up our dorm room. Sharing a room with a vampire girlfriend is hard work you know, aside from the blood packs and the constant clothes being left everywhere she wasn't That bad of a roommate, I guess.

After we finish cleaning up we decided to take a break.

"How 'bout some good ol' Orange is the new black and hot chocolate?" I say a little too enthusiastically to carm as she gets comfortable in bed.

"Orrrrrr, you could come cuddle with your warm vampire girlfriend and get some rest?" She smirks at me with a tired face. Even when she's drained she somehow manages to look overly beautiful.

"Fineee," knowing she was softening me up to avoid my normal binge watching, "but only if we can continue Scandal tomorrow."

Carmilla let's out a sigh before giving in, "Whatever you say, cupcake"

I smile at her defeat and get into the covers with her. Laying my head on her chest I almost forget she doesn't have a heart beat. It's strange, being with a vampire is not what I thought it'd be. We have our ups and downs but, Carmilla was different. She was so hard to crack. Yet sometimes I found vulnerability in her words to me. In her actions towards me. What was it about her I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"What are you thinking about, muffin?" she says placing a soft kiss on my forehead tightening her grip around my waist.

"You" I say with no intention of really letting her in my thoughts.

"Is that so?"

I nod and begin to close my eyes until I feel her finger tips run gently down my jawline to my chin slowly tilting my face up to hers and she places a soft and deepened kiss on my lips. I could feel her pull me closer as I kiss her back rubbing my hands through her curled hair. Our lips finally decide to let go and her embrace becomes a little more loose. I was almost sad the kiss ended until she ran her hands up and down my sides.

"I don't know... what it is about you that makes me so..." She pauses for a long while,

"Repulsed?" I give a small laugh before looking at Carms serious face staring down at mine.

"Vulnerable" she says almost needingly. She stares at me as if in a trance and shakes her head to snap out of it. "You should be sleeping creampuff you have class tomorrow"

"And there goes the moment" I say sarcasticly. Carmilla smiles and nudges me over till my back is against her chest, her arms are wrapped around me and our feet are entangled in each other.

"You're killing me Hollis"

I grin at her remark.

"Goodnight, 'carm-sexy'" I mockingly say in a low voice. I could almost hear a big smile on Carmilla's face.

"Goodnight, 'Lauronica Mars'" Carmilla says tiredly and before we knew it, we have drifted off to sleep.

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