Fading Fast.

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Laura's POV:
"You know," I grunt, "having Danny here would have helped a lot." I say a little breathless trying to push the bookcase away from the door. I stop and breathe heavily. "And you could help too!" I say watching as Laf observed the map.

"I am helping!" I give a confused mad look and point to the bookshelf. They sigh and put down the map walking over to the books.

"Um Laf? Now isn't the time to be looking for your next big read. We still have to find-"

"Quiet Hollis," they interrupt me leaving my mouth to drop. Well that was rude. "Sorry, trying to concentrate," they smile at me then reach out for a book pulling it from the shelf. The shelf begins to shake causing me to jump and move away. It then moves revealing a tunnel.


Laf shrugs.
"Maybe if you had stopped complaining and ranting over worried about Carmilla, I could have read a lot faster." I give Laf a mad look and proceed to walk ahead of them.

"So where's this serum thing?" I say looking around the tunnel for any sign of hope. I was deeply worried for Carm. We should have looked for her first. She would never hurt me intentionally, I wish Laf would understand that we must find her. Nobody knows her vulnerability like I do. How fragile she could be. I wanted to hold her and tell her it was okay. Kiss her and remind her who's always gonna be here for her.

"There" Laf points at a nearby rock. The rock is the serum?
"Before you get any ideas, that book you retrieved from the dean's office says we must stone Carmilla to death with that there rock." They say with no flinch or change of facial expression.


"I AM NOT GOING TO MURDER MY GIRLFRIEND!" I yell standing in front of Laf crossing my arms.

"Calm down Laura I was kidding." They laugh extremely loud and begin scrapping the rock with a pocket knife and putting the small dust of it into a vile.

"Not funny Laf" I say pouting.

"I've gotta have some fun in the situation. You're making me miss movie night with Perr after all. It's almost tradition." They look down and sigh sadly. I felt terrible for dragging Laf into this. They didn't want Perry to be involved because she would drive them up the walls with worry.

"I understand. I mean, at least she's safe right? I can't imagine where Carmilla is right now." Laf looks at me with a soft sad expression.

"Let's make this serum and find her. " They say proudly.

"Lets!" We both run out of the observatory faster than a kid on Halloween night in search of candy!

- - - - -

Carmilla's POV :
I can feel myself getting weaker. I refused to drink this blood without assurance that it wasn't My Laura's.
How am I gonna get out of this..

I hear footsteps re-enter the room.

"Have you decided to join me at the gates, dear?" She says with an annoyed tone in her voice.


"Must we really do this the hard way Mircalla? Don't you understand your life is at stake here?"

I start banging on the coffin.
"I care not what is to become of me if these hands did seal the fate of my maiden fair!" I yell at her.
"Do your worst mother," I challenge, "but you shall not see beyond those gates if I have a say in it!"

"You pesky selfish child!" She pulls open the coffin breaking the lock with her strength. I cover my eyes at the sudden exposure to the light and she grabs hold of my wrist tightly pulling me out of the coffin and pushing me to the ground. My blood stained clothes and skin now staining the floors I was laying on. I feel so weak.

"You don't deserve this immortal life you were granted!"

"It's a curse!"

"It's a gift!" She yells back. "You don't understand how lucky you are you foolish pathetic excuse of a daughter! I raised you, showed you the world, gave you EVERYTHING you ever wanted!"

"I didn't ask for this!"

"You didn't have to at the time! You were so young, so curious, so enlightened by the new world. Until you met that wretched girl"

"Ell didn't turn me cold mother. YOU did! You took her away from me, then locked me under the ground surrounded by nothing but HER BLOOD to survive after YOU killed her. An innocent soul."

"She didn't love you Mircalla! Once she found out what you were she was ready to leave. I simply saved you from a heartless human."

"She didn't have to die!" I say crying now. Her words were bitter and heartless and the memories stung to like fresh wounds in the back of my mind. "You didn't have to murder her."

"Oh but I did dear. She knew too much." She says circling me. "Plus she hurt my beautiful dearest child." She touches my face but I flinch away from her hand.

"No." I say swallowing the knot in my throat. "You had no right to decide her fate nor mine. You're cruel and selfish and you never cared about me. You locked me away in her blood! Forcing me to drink every drop just to regain my strength and climb out of that coffin. Now you lay me in another with the love of my life's blood!" She scoffs at my words.

"You know nothing about love de-"

"But I do! I've felt it. I've experienced it. Laura was it! I love her!" I freeze feeling my throat knot up again realizing she was gone.. "I loved her. With everything I had. And I always will. Dead or alive. And yes you may control my body.. but you will NEVER control my heart."

She laughs at me mockingly.
"A heart Mircalla? Really? Yours was lost long ago."

"But she's saved me. She made it move, I felt it myself!"

"You felt nothing."

"I feel everything now!"

She looks at me with a shocked expression then her face turns blank.

"For now" she sends an evil smirk to me.

"For now?" I question her.

"If you won't go along with me willingly," she releases her fangs flashing them before me. "Then a mindless zombie-vampire you shall be."

"What are you-" I begin to scoot back till my back hits the wall and mother attacks my neck piecing her fangs into it. I yell in agony.
I shouldn't be able to feel this! It's as if my bodies on fire but my veins feel cold!
I try to pry her off of me but she doesn't budge. She finally moves away retracting her fangs. I place my hand over my neck where she bit me.

"What have you done!" I yell in worried and weak tone. My head begins to feel a burning sensation inside as if being crushed between to walls. I place my hands on my head willing it to stop but it doesn't.

"You can't fight it Mircalla. Soon you'll be nothing but a slave to my orders. Death will have mercy on you... for now.. so long as I have control." She gives an evil laugh as my back slides off the wall and my head hits the ground.

My sight begins to start fading as if my vision was turning into a tunnel. My mother's figure started to blur and my hearing began to come to a silent yet loud ringing.

"Goodnight Carmilla" she says mockingly, placing a kiss on my temple.

"L-Laura" is the only thing I can manage to say before the world as I knew it grew dark and I was lost.

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