That's Not MY Carmilla.

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Laura's POV:
I hold Danny up as best I can while she clings to my shoulder.

"What's going on?" Laf says running from their lab table to us.

"Laf please help her. We were going through the dean's office and-"

"The dean's office! Laura you should know better then to be snooping around there without the proper protection or Carmilla around!" Laf says furiously helping me lay Danny on their lab table.

"Gee thanks for the advice Laf I already have a partner to be scolded by." I say a little frustrated and guilty. "You've gotta understand why I did this." I say looking at them with a soft sad expression. Laf's face instantly.. drops?

"Right I um. I understand" they say confusing me even more. "What happened to Danny?"

"She took two arrows to the back. She touched a book that apparently was booby-trapped and.. well yeah" I say pointing at the wounds. "Danny pulled the arrows out herself thinking she could handle it but obviously she was wrong. Is she gonna be okay Laf?" I say concerned for my friends health.

"Well." They say poking at the wounds causing Danny to flinch.

"Watch it Laf, they're fresh!" She says.

"Sorry Danny. Maybe it'll teach you two to not meddle in things you're not supposed to." They say grabbing her stitching kit and a needle.

"Woah woah. You're not gonna stitch me up just like that are you? Can't you knock me out or something!" Danny says scared.

"Oh right" Laf laughs and grabs a needle with some sort of medicine in it and sticks it into Danny. "Night night athletic gal" they say as Danny's head instantly drops back onto the table and she's knocked out.

I sigh and sit in the nearest chair. I had a little over an hour to relax and clean myself up before going back to Carmilla.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I ask Laf again.

"Yeah she'll be fine. She's just gonna need stitches and she'll be as good as new." They say starting to stitch up the wounds.

"That's good," I say with a slight smile. I couldn't live with myself if someone got hurt under my account. "Hey Laf?"

"Yeah?" They respond.

"Did you um.. did you ever find out whose blood was on Carmilla?" I ask a little afraid of the response.

"Oh right." Laf says going to their printer and looking at a paper being careful not to touch anything with her gloves full of Danny's blood. "Well it seems you're girlfriend had a run in with a deer or some other creature because none of the students blood samples match the blood on her. We can only assume she was harmless and hope to not come across any dead students." They say in a very unsure and uneasy tone.

"That's good... I think?" I say looking at my hands. "Any um. News on what parasites are in her bloodstream?" I can't live without knowing what she's possibly up against and what I should prepare myself for.

"Um." Laf looks down as if they're trying to think.


"Yeah sorry. Um, no. No idea yet." They say stumbling on their words.

"Well Danny managed to pull that book from the shelf. I'm not sure if it'll help, I haven't looked much at it myself but you could look through it if you need?" I say placing the book on the desk beside me.

"I don't think it'll be necessary." They say trying to focus on Danny's wound.

"Why's tha-"

"Laura does Carmilla know you went to the Dean's office? With danny?" Laf changes the subject.

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