Delightfully Chaotic

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"No no no." I cover my ears to try and block out my mind.
"Stop playing tricks on me, this isn't fair you stupid chaotic mind!" I shut my eyes again and begin crying.

I feel a slight shift in the bed and a warm soft touch on my face. I didn't dare open my eyes. My mind must be remembering everything too well. Her scent filling my nose. Her touch stinging my face. I didn't know how much more I could take of my minds tricks until I heard a low and steady voice. A voice all too familiar to me.

"Cupcake, your mind may be chaotic, but it is definitely Delightfully Chaotic."

I wipe my eyes and open them. My vision was blurred but once it clears I see the impossible. My mind couldn't fool me into this.. I see.. her. Carmilla was laying there. Right in front of me. Her face no longer a cold looking color but her normal shade of pale. Her hands no longer cold and lifeless but warm and full of life. Her smile was blinding and her eyes were staring at me with so much love I could feel it radiating off of her and straight to me.

"B-but.. Y-you d-"

"Died? Yeah, that was a bitch by the way."

She let's out a low chuckle then lifts her shirt to reveal the scar on her side where the sword had pierced through her.

"Since your buddy Laf tried to stitch it up, it kind of messed up my healing process so now I'm stuck with it" she shrugs, "chicks dig scars right?" She says with a wink and sarcastic smile.

I couldn't conceal my happiness as I pull her to me and kiss her passionately. She grips my sides and holds me tight in her arms kissing me with just the right amount of force.

This is her. She's right here. She's Alive. Wait..

I pull back from the kiss and Carmilla looks at me with a confused gaze.

"How? I mean, you were dead. I saw you. I saw the sword, it went through you. I mean obviously the scar on your side is enough to prove that but you weren't breathing you weren't ali-"

She presses her lips roughly against mine causing me to shut up and kiss her in return. She gently breaks the kiss with a smile and shakes her head.

"Was I babbling again?"

"Just a bit baby." She smiles and lays her forehead against mine while resting her hand on my cheek and closing her eyes. I close mine and embrace her touch. Her full of life touch.

"You saved me.." She whispers. I open my eyes to see her staring at me with a sense of warmth. A new found vulnerability beaming off of her weary smile and deep brown eyes.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"A-actually.. I got you killed.." I frown and she shakes her head against my forehead.

"Well, I can't say being 'heroic' didn't come with a price." She reaches into her shirt to pull out a necklace. The necklace held the 'Light In The Darkness' stone, except it had a red stained color inside of it.

"The stone?"

She nods.

"But Laf said it didn't wor-"

"This is where you come in." She smiles at my confusion. "The mad scientist threw a bit of a tantrum and knocked some of your blood onto the book... which I've got to say is a waste of blood." She rolls her eyes and laughs causing me to chuckle. "Anyways. It revealed the true way to use the stone and this" she points to the red in the stone. "This is how I was saved. See that red liquid?"
I nod.
"Well it's actually your blood and mine. It needed the blood of a human whose passion was more than my own and the blood of an immortal. Laf thought no better blood would do it but yours and mine."

I can't wipe the smile off my face.

"Of course, I'll have to be more careful now. The stones the only thing keeping me alive." She smirks.

My face kind of drops at the possibility of losing her again and she notices instantly. She places her fingertips under my chin and tilts my head so I was staring into her eyes.

"Hey. You're not going to lose me again okay?" She says looking me straight in the eyes. Her gaze was raw and real. Her hands were still and honest.

"You saved me Laura." She says placing the stone in my hand with the necklace still around her neck. I stare at the blood inside and feel my heart begin to do flips. She wasn't going anywhere and neither was I and the thought alone was enough to make me tug Carmilla's necklace gently to close the distance between us. Her lips crashing into mine. Our body becoming entangled in each others.

This was all I wanted. This was all that I needed. Carmilla was alive. She was with me and nothing was going to change that.

I feel her tug at my waist pulling my body against hers and I smile into her lips causing her to smile and break the kiss.

We stare at each other for a bit taking in the presence of each other. Our breaths uneasy. Her hand on my heart and mine around her necklace.

I can see she's about to speak but I cut her off with my own words


"I love you Carmilla."

Her face softens into a genuine smile and her eyes begin to sparkle.

"I love you too Laura."

Her voice saying my name brings my heart warmth. The warmth that lets me know that I was home. She was my home. We press our foreheads against each other's and lace our fingers together.

"I love you and nothing's going to get in the way of that ever again."

Tears started to fall from my face and she wipes them away with her thumb while cupping my face.

"You're mine Carmilla Karnstein." I whisper to her. She rubs our noses together in an Eskimo kiss.

"You're mine Laura Hollis."

With that said our lips were pressed tightly and passionately together. Our bodies intertwined never letting the other go. Our hands not leaving an inch of skin untouched. It was a night full of love. A night full of releasing our longing for one another. It was the first night of many I got to spend with the absolute love of my life, my home, my happiness, my reason, Carmilla Karnstein.

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A/N: there will be an epilogue chapter! I repeat, this is NOT the end gentle readers! :)

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