My Little Lamb

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I awoke the next morning in the arms of Carmilla. The sun was coming in through the cracks of the old observatory and the beams of light gave me a chance to look around the place. I had never been here during the day since Carmilla and I were a bit busy trying to stop her mother.

I quietly snuck out of her grasp and watched her turn till she was comfortable. I began to look around the place. There wasn't much to look for in here. Since it was abandoned you found lots of dust, dirt, old textbooks and paintings of the sky. I went looking through some of the old textbooks. I wasn't in search of anything particular, just looking for a way to pass the time.

While walking around I came across an architecture book. It was a strange thing to find in an observatory so I picked it up and began searching through it. Before I could really skim through it a blueprint fell out. I picked it up from the ground and blew the dust off of it. It was a blueprint of the observatory. What was it doing in this book? And what were those empty boxed shapes at the bottom of the observatory?

I looked at the map thoroughly discovering that there was more to this place than met observer's eyes. Walking around I found little doors, tunnels that led under the observatory, and even an old safe that hid behind a hard to remove painting. I couldn't search through any of these hidden areas due to lack of muscle, aka, without the help of the snoring vampire that I absolutely adore. Who was actually being rather quiet?

Before I could turn to check on her a pair of cold hands wrapped around my waist from behind. I tensed up at the sudden contact then relaxed when I felt Carmilla's lips peck my neck.

I smiled and turned around still in her embrace and laid my arms on her shoulders. She smiled at me. How could someone who's considered to be so dangerous have the most genuine smile on earth.

"What's my lovely accident prone Laura Hollis getting herself into today?" She asks with a sigh and slight smile.

"Weeeellllll" I laugh and showed her the blueprint, "we've got much exploring to do!" I say over enthusiastically.

"Well whoop-dee-do" she says with a sarcastic roll of her eyes and a bit of a tired look.

"What's wrong?" I ask a little concerned about her weary look.

"It's nothing" she smirks. I give her a sad face now. Something isn't right.

"Carm, tell me what's wrong." I demand, letting go of her to cross my arms. She pulls me back to her as close as she can.

"Cupcake, it's all okay, I promise." She smiles and kisses me. I was very skeptical of her promise but my mind was entangled with the kiss she laid upon me. Why does she have this effect on me.

"Let's get searching!" I say dragging my beautiful girlfriend along with me to the marked areas on the blueprint.

Carmilla's POV

I wasn't feeling very full of strength today. I had felt Laura crawl out from my arms this morning but couldn't find the energy to pull her back to me. I was finally able to get up and go to her but even then I felt so faint. Was I getting sick? That would be absurd since I hadn't been sick for centuries. Whatever the feeling was I had to put it aside for the tiny cupcake dragging me through tunnels.

I smile to myself watching her trying to read the blueprint. Her face was firm. Her lips were pursed. She always had this cute little concentrated face when in search of something she really wanted. It's one of the many things I found so enticing. She reminded me of a calm and curious animal. A cat even. But had the innocent and elegant features of a lamb. I described all humans as useless meatsacks with no sense of direction but she.. she was different to me. Significant. Sacred. The only Living creature that could calm this monster down.

I sighed to myself, forcing me to pull out of my thoughts. Laura had me pulling bookshelves away from openings, ripping locks from closed off tunnels and kicking holes through locked doors. I didn't have the strength to carry on. It must have shown on my face because Laura gave me a concerned look and said we could come back another day.

She's too good to me.

"Since you aren't feeling so well I think it's best we teleport to our room." She says a little sad, "If you can of course!" She adds, caressing my face in her hands. I pulled her to me and closed my eyes trying to activate my teleporting ability but nothing happened. I tried again and again until finally we poofed out of the observatory. Turns out I only teleported us half way home, so we began walking the rest of the way.

Once we were home Laura laid me on the bed and tucked me in. I hated being taken care of, but I dared not fight with the tiny human, especially with the little strength I had. She put my usual mug of blood beside me with a straw and sat on the corner of my bed refusing to move till I was done feeding. Stubborn little one. Once I was done she began to work on her homework. I laid tiredly watching as she worked till my eye lids were dropping, and I was off to sleep.

Laura's POV

Finally finishing my homework I sighed in relief and turned to find my weary looking girlfriend asleep. What was going on with her today. I frowned in thought. Could she be sick? Do vampires get sick? Was this an act of the dean?

It was 10 pm and I had class in the morning. I laid back in my chair still thinking of possibilities and started slipping into an unintended sleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I awoke to the sound of a whining Carmilla. She was tossing in her sleep. Her arms and legs were fighting the air as if in a some sort of nightmare. Frightened, I go to Carmilla and lay in bed beside her, trying my best to relax her.

"Carm, Carm, wake up its a dream, it's me Laura, I'm here" I pull her into my arms and her struggling fight stopped. Her eyes opened and she shifts from my arms to the wall.

"Carm, what's the matter? It was just a dream?"

"No laura, no. It was a nightmare. The coffin! You! I" she pauses with a look of fear. I touch her knee and she moves slightly back then relaxes to my touch. "I'm sorry.." She puts her face in her hands.

"No no shhh. Come here," I say softly. She cuddles into me and I pull her back to my chest and wrap my arms around her from behind. We lay in silence till I finally speak,
"We don't have to talk about it love. Just remember I'm here. And I'm going to stay here all night beside you." I kiss the back of her head.

She sighs deeply and begins to speak.
"Promise me.. you'll never go off and do something crazy or investigative without me by your side." I think to myself why on earth she would ask me this. Was this about her dreams or did she need reassurance.


"I promise." I say giving her my word. I felt her back relax against me and her movements began to slow as she drifted back into sleep.

Before I began to sleep I hear the tired beauty whisper

"My Little Lamb."

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